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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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I don't think i have a pic in the front page still, use this one, it shows how deep and bad ass I am.

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Just take whatever you want man just don't hurt my family :scared:

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Hide yo kids hide yo wives B) I'm finalizing the deal to move in an apartment in the ghetto, I'll fit right in and pirate, does taking a picture next to a trash whore who has no self esteem or class suppose to impress someone?

Edited by zwarrior.
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Hide yo kids hide yo wives B) I'm finalizing the deal to move in an apartment in the ghetto, I'll fit right in

and pirate, does taking a picture next to a trash whore who has no self esteem or class suppose to impress someone?

Why are you so afraid of the human body? First you admit that you wont even take your shirt off in your own place of living and now you're butthurt because a woman is enjoying a day at the park with her shirt off.

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pic of gtfo troll

Why are you so afraid of the human body? First you admit that you wont even take your shirt off in your own place of living and now you're butthurt because a woman is enjoying a day at the park with her shirt off.

it's called having standards

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