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It's true all women are whores, its a fact :reg:

snakey, best way is to bitch slap the hoe then tell her to make the sandwich. because she knows you ain't fukin round.

Expert advice from someone who I can pretty much guarantee is a virgin or a life long loner. This guy has about as much experience with women as he has spent time on mars. 0

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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It's true all women are whores, its a fact :reg:

snakey, best way is to bitch slap the hoe then tell her to make the sandwich. because she knows you ain't fukin round.

Expert advice from someone who I can pretty much guarantee is a virgin or a life long loner. This guy has about as much experience with women as he has spent time on mars. 0


If you ever look at me like that again I'll cut that staw you call a kneck from ear to flipping ear. Get out of mty face

Ahh shit son hitting them with dat mars joke oohhhh

GTFO useless noob, learn to sw better :kaz:

Who are you calling a noob funnyface? Seriously, you look like some kind of black hippy with too much hair on his face. Your side burns look like something out of a blacksplotations flick. Get it together and get a damn haircut mongloid.
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It's true all women are whores, its a fact :reg:

snakey, best way is to bitch slap the hoe then tell her to make the sandwich. because she knows you ain't fukin round.

Expert advice from someone who I can pretty much guarantee is a virgin or a life long loner. This guy has about as much experience with women as he has spent time on mars. 0


If you ever look at me like that again I'll cut that staw you call a kneck from ear to flipping ear. Get out of mty face

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sigh it's so annoying/predictable seeing new systemwars users pretending to already know the system by aggressively trolling, as if that will somehow earn them some shred of respect or something newsflash faggot. nobody will take you serious when you type like an angered 12 year old bitch.

Edited by BrownWalrus
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sigh it's so annoying/predictable seeing new systemwars users pretending to already know the system by aggressively trolling, as if that will somehow earn them some shred of respect or something

newsflash faggot. nobody will take you serious when you type like an angered 12 year old bitch.

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sigh it's so annoying/predictable seeing new systemwars users pretending to already know the system by aggressively trolling, as if that will somehow earn them some shred of respect or something

newsflash faggot. nobody will take you serious when you type like an angered 12 year old bitch.


ok that only happens sometimes and at least i've been around for a while, plus i go way back to the gamespot days

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sigh it's so annoying/predictable seeing new systemwars users pretending to already know the system by aggressively trolling, as if that will somehow earn them some shred of respect or something

newsflash faggot. nobody will take you serious when you type like an angered 12 year old bitch.

Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? :kaz: I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo.
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sigh it's so annoying/predictable seeing new systemwars users pretending to already know the system by aggressively trolling, as if that will somehow earn them some shred of respect or something

newsflash faggot. nobody will take you serious when you type like an angered 12 year old bitch.

Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? :kaz: I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo.

Dam this dude is ruthless.
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sigh it's so annoying/predictable seeing new systemwars users pretending to already know the system by aggressively trolling, as if that will somehow earn them some shred of respect or something

newsflash faggot. nobody will take you serious when you type like an angered 12 year old bitch.

Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? :kaz: I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo.

Dam this dude is ruthless.

Come on kid, you trying to be clever or sarcastic seems ackward. Give it up and go back to being the same ananamous poster you've been for years upon years. Even the ocean needs bottom feeders. You're gonna hurt that mound of jelly you call a brain if you try to be too clever. Out-of-my-face.
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sigh it's so annoying/predictable seeing new systemwars users pretending to already know the system by aggressively trolling, as if that will somehow earn them some shred of respect or something

newsflash faggot. nobody will take you serious when you type like an angered 12 year old bitch.

Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? :kaz: I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo.

Dam this dude is ruthless.

Come on kid, you trying to be clever or sarcastic seems ackward. Give it up and go back to being the same ananamous poster you've been for years upon years. Even the ocean needs bottom feeders. You're gonna hurt that mound of jelly you call a brain if you try to be too clever. Out-of-my-face.

Hopefully it'll hurt me bad enough that my ability to spell words correctly and create coherent sentences becomes as hindered as yours. Stop with the shitty bait.
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sigh it's so annoying/predictable seeing new systemwars users pretending to already know the system by aggressively trolling, as if that will somehow earn them some shred of respect or something

newsflash faggot. nobody will take you serious when you type like an angered 12 year old bitch.

Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? :kaz: I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo.

Dam this dude is ruthless.

Come on kid, you trying to be clever or sarcastic seems ackward. Give it up and go back to being the same ananamous poster you've been for years upon years. Even the ocean needs bottom feeders. You're gonna hurt that mound of jelly you call a brain if you try to be too clever. Out-of-my-face.

Hopefully it'll hurt me bad enough that my ability to spell words correctly and create coherent sentences becomes as hindered as yours. Stop with the shitty bait.

That's right child, fight for dear life. Use the only tools available to you to save face. Transform yourself into a grammer nazi and try and avoid ownage. Whether spelled correctly or not, you get the full gist of what is being said. What you call bait is in reality the truth. If you would recognize thatr instead of correcting my writing ability you would be more than just a bottom feeder. Learn some lessons kid.
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This dude is such a try hard. :lol: Come on man, use more syntax please.

Kid you have gone through a virtual rainbow of responses to my posts in this thread. You went from being a fake ass indifferent douchebag to being a corny sarcastic peon, to a grammar nazi, and now you resort to saying I'm trying to hard. The funny thing is, if you look at this little exchange of ours I've been the only one who has been consistant through out. Not only are you a bottom feeder but you also have some type of identity crisis going on. Listen kid, go practice on someone in your own class before you sep up to the plate against an A class poster such as myself. I've destroyed peoples virtuallives all across the internet. I've just been toying with you because I enjoy seeing BFs like you get uncomfortable. Next time maybe you'll learn a lesson and not look at post count. Next time you had better take in consideration who or WHAT you are actually going up against. Do you just haphazardly pet any dog? Would you stick your hand in a Hornets nest? Would you attempt to make friends with a wild Gorilla? These same principles apply when you see what you percieve to be a noob and try and "haze" him or her. You run the risk of getting destroyed or embarrassed. Now run along kid. Go play kickball or whatever it is that you BFs do.
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So I don't really get much facial hair, but I thought I'd give it a couple weeks, see where it got.

Got something noteworthy about two weeks in. Trimmed every now and then. After 45 days though, shaved it all off.

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Barto plz stop responding so the noob can stop writing middle school essays. Truno you look like a less handsome james mcavoy. Like you could be his retarded clone that's been kept in the basement and beaten constantly for years. You really do, I had not realized this till that pic of your moustache. I say grow it again, the less your face is visible the better :)

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