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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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how do you look like you have the brain of a 15 year old without actually being 15? what are the characteristics you are trying to describe, and what about her features make you think that she has those characteristics?

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eh you guys must not have younger (fucking mentally dilapidated) sisters. they all make this stupid eyebrow raised (though less here) sideways, smiley, looking thing that is the "what yeah im the shit" look that annoys me so much it literally and i'm using that word correctly here, literally rip out the still beating heart from every single one of them.

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you sound bitter as fuck

why is it someone cant hate something anymore without being called bitter or a crybaby? i think the face makes them look childish, pathetic, liars who need to pretend to be something while they pose for their attention whoring camera slut friends

You can hate things all you want. I'm not saying that seemed bitter just because you weren't saying something positive
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you sound bitter as fuck

why is it someone cant hate something anymore without being called bitter or a crybaby? i think the face makes them look childish, pathetic, liars who need to pretend to be something while they pose for their attention whoring camera slut friends

You can hate things all you want. I'm not saying that seemed bitter just because you weren't saying something positive


I'm going to bed.

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