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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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She probably wouldn't have sex with me so I'd be forced to hit her over the head with a baseball bat to knock her out so I can play with her. After I played with her and had my fun I would throw her in a ditch somewhere.

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Snakey you've grown up so much! Craziness!



snakey and u-aholic :-*

:-* to you both 




Giselle nice hair color :glad:

Thanks :) I'm going navy blue next

The purple fades out to something like this though https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/181039_10150837427712583_973749665_n.jpg



Have you considered short hair? im guessing you hate it?


funky hair colors go well with short IMO


Yes. I think it's dykey. I like long and funky. Especially black or blonde (on white girls) with crazy colours in it. Or long and natural.

Shortest: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/185_8847257582_1076_n.jpg

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Snakey you've grown up so much! Craziness!



snakey and u-aholic :-*

:-* to you both 




Giselle nice hair color :glad:

Thanks :) I'm going navy blue next

The purple fades out to something like this though https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/181039_10150837427712583_973749665_n.jpg



Have you considered short hair? im guessing you hate it?


funky hair colors go well with short IMO


Yes. I think it's dykey. I like long and funky. Especially black or blonde (on white girls) with crazy colours in it. Or long and natural.

Shortest: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/185_8847257582_1076_n.jpg



that length could work, i like when i see relatively short hair on girls that are styled weird as fuck with gels and sprays :ben:

anyway length is not as important as awesome hair colors like purple and blue

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Snakey you've grown up so much! Craziness!



snakey and u-aholic :-*

:-* to you both 




Giselle nice hair color :glad:

Thanks :) I'm going navy blue next

The purple fades out to something like this though https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/181039_10150837427712583_973749665_n.jpg



Have you considered short hair? im guessing you hate it?


funky hair colors go well with short IMO


Yes. I think it's dykey. I like long and funky. Especially black or blonde (on white girls) with crazy colours in it. Or long and natural.

Shortest: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/185_8847257582_1076_n.jpg



that length could work, i like when i see relatively short hair on girls that are styled weird as fuck with gels and sprays :ben:

anyway length is not as important as awesome hair colors like purple and blue


Hmm random... like Rihanna, Miley Cyrus kinda shit? The guys I generally go for prefer long hair anyways. Plus I think my face just looks weird with short hair, and I am super short so long hair makes me look taller also. My boyfriend would kill me if I cut my hair shorter than shoulder length. I always say I'm going to shave my head as a joke and he gets mad LOL.

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Lol Xelle comes back and you ***s turn into hair stylist and shit.

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2


only those with very limited exposure to women haven't got opinions on women's appearance.


also i had xelle on msn for 5 years, if i wanted her attention i would have tried there :ben:

good point though :bena: only proves that this forum is so shit that even talking about hair styling is better than arguing with ghostz and blackhand

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Lol Xelle comes back and you ***s turn into hair stylist and shit.

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2







:D omg..



Lol Xelle comes back and you ***s turn into hair stylist and shit.

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2


only those with very limited exposure to women haven't got opinions on women's appearance.


also i had xelle on msn for 5 years, if i wanted her attention i would have tried there :ben:

good point though :bena: only proves that this forum is so shit that even talking about hair styling is better than arguing with ghostz and blackhand


It's easily better.. :tom:


As a post stylist, I say this hoe needs a perm.

Fuck dat bro.. perms for niggas.

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Do you now finally regret that tattoo on your leg?

Why would I regret it? 


you can't possibly still be straight edge


:| why wouldnt I be?


Because you're grown up now kiddo, time to participate in what the big boys are doing


So the adult thing to do is drink alcohol, smoke, or use drugs but the choice to abstain from those things is childish? I don't get it. I'm not even remotely interested in any of those things. I like the way I live and I don't think I'm better than those who choose to drink and what not; it's simply just not for me. I hope that clears things up for you. 

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