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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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if being yourself doesnt get you any girls then either change --




become a better you, 


lmao don't be duped.

-Xelle has thankfully admitted she gets hit on just for standing and drinking a beer.  Do you think she's being "the best her??"  It just is what it is mate.

- I agree for sanities sake a proper attitude adjustment is required.  I do this actually on some level. I've came to this conclsuion over a year ago. It doesn't [emotionally] bother me as much anymore.



(I've actually let a couple girls just slip away because I saw they thought the entire courtship should continue to just come to them -- and they weren't near hot enough for that work.)



I still go out, and once a while introduce myself to new girls. I learn new things every weekend. 

I still don't get the complete luxury of being myself and ____ ??? profit but whatev - it is what it is. I'll figure out how to make the best of it. 



I am currently talking to a couple girls I like on a personality level, that aren't so entitled (but admittedly are not hot mommas), so that's good for my sanity. :) One's pretty cute tho, and is a native Chink.  :smugd:




This whole guys do for the girls while the lady sits pretty and gets chased thing has gone waay too far, imo. Girls idea of game is terrible. Like, entering the coffee shop I went into (after I briefly checked you out), then you take a seat, order nothing, and wait 15 minutes to see if I'll... leave my table and hit on you?


Then you leave frustrated?



lmfao then you see me on campus a week later, say "hello" with shit eye contact, then keep going?  Jesus christ. Men are not waiting at a drop of a hat to hit on strangers. I wish girls knew this.   All that effort they spend into looking pretty/slutty and none spent on confidence themselves to be a 2nd person in the conversation.



lmfao meh ok now I would be getting cynical. :) me stop. 


Honestly as much as we clown Giselle she's actually a pretty well kept chick.




As you can see, her hair is did, her eyebrows taken care of, she's wearing eyeshadow, foundation, lipstick, mascara, and probably some other forms of makeup that I can't immediately identify. She's in pretty decent shape, her nails look clean, she has a decent amount of style, she has phenomenal teeth (though obviously you cant see them in this picture) and even though she has small ass tits, she wears a good bra to make the most of them. And this picture isn't a fluke. If you look through her facebook pictures you'd see the same story in most of those pictures. To pretend shorty does nothing to get that attention is some straight up bull. 


You're being bitter, towards yourself and towards women, just because you feel like you shouldn't have to do any work to get people to like you because you're just you and you're so special and everyone should just like you for who you are. News flash: who you are is a complete piece of shit. You don't seem to understand that people work for what they have. You seem to want a woman who puts effort into who they are but you're not putting in any legitimate effort to be better than the piece of shit that you are. You are not entitled to anything in this world, much less the attention of people who actually work towards who they are to make themselves desirable.


You think that being a woman would solve all your problems. What if I told you that for every woman that gets attention at a bar, there's another one that no one pays attention to. They're called ugly women. And most of them aren't even ugly because they were born that way. They just don't take care of themselves. Essentially all becoming a woman would change for you is that you'd go from being an ugly ass dude to being an ugly ass woman. You seem to think that getting jacked would increase your chances with women yet you don't even try to do that. You think Gamedrunk just one day happened to wake up in his physical condition? No, he hit the gym consistently for years. But for some reason, you think you should be able to sit on your ass and still get the same level of attention from women. Get real bruh. The world isn't going to fall into your lap.


And you know what the kicker is. You want to see the dude Xelle is/was with?




This nigga. I'm sure he's a great person and all but that nigga is not attractive. 

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Listen to kokujin for advice, twinkie. This nigga, by his own admission, hasn't had sex with a female in over 6 years.





I've said no to girls hotter than you've dreamt to talking to in that time bro. 

no intercourse doesn't mean I haven't flirted and made out or gotten a blowjob(s) either.


yes xelle is cute. I'd agree. good personality too.


Remy's just a man-slut. I don't wanna know the backyard alley hos he's paying. 

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ffs TPH stfu lmfao. You don't know me or what kind of work I do. I do plenty, and I do go to the gym too. :]


y'all don't know my sex life. I wasn't bashing xelle by any means in my post. Good you white-knighted her. Why don't you join forces with my e-stalker Chimp and suck my dick.

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Listen to kokujin for advice, twinkie. This nigga, by his own admission, hasn't had sex with a female in over 6 years.





I've said no to girls hotter than you've dreamt to talking to in that time bro. 

no intercourse doesn't mean I haven't flirted and made out or gotten a blowjob(s) either.


yes xelle is cute. I'd agree. good personality too.


Remy's just a man-slut. I don't wanna know the backyard alley hos he's paying. 


Not really a man slut. When I am in a relationship, I'm with that person only. I haven't had a official girlfriend since April, so I've been dating or hooking up since then without a commitment. Not like I'm making chicks think they're the only one then banging someone behind their back.

And lol @ you turning down hot chicks. ****a please. 

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ya I should clarify before you cuntrags have a parade.



in the past (1-2) year(s) I have turned away about 3-4 chics, for potential relationships. One's in a very committed one right now after not getting that back from me.


No sex does not mean no interactions or intimacy. Maybe I'm dumb by wanting hot bar chics then complaining I can't vibe with that criteria but that's me. 



go up to 10 women and ask to hang out, problem solved..one of them will be compatible...just dont be a bitch, what im gathering from your posts is that you're a bit unsure of whats going on and you are feeling like you're being cheated on by gender equality and shit like that...



lfmao that's precisely my point. Keep serving girls dick.  "Man up." 


i will pay attention to this part, only to keep me from being a cynic and unhappy.  Only to keep me having some connection with woman. 


Chimp, no one cares about your sex life. 



tph did bring up a good point about girls who get ignored but hate to be harsh but getting ignored for [lack of] physical beuaty happens to everone.


getting no dates for lack of self- esteem (it's human nature to be insecure btw), game, a place, social skills, etc. etc. etc. is all the extra stuff a male has to do. 


but whatever -- saying this truth seems to get you flamed from both ends. :] 


It's also mentally not so healthy. I'll keep it to myself. Carry on. 

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ya I should clarify before you cuntrags have a parade.



in the past (1-2) year(s) I have turned away about 3-4 chics, for potential relationships. One's in a very committed one right now after not getting that back from me.


No sex does not mean no interactions or intimacy. Maybe I'm dumb by wanting hot bar chics then complaining I can't vibe with that criteria but that's me. 



go up to 10 women and ask to hang out, problem solved..one of them will be compatible...just dont be a bitch, what im gathering from your posts is that you're a bit unsure of whats going on and you are feeling like you're being cheated on by gender equality and shit like that...



lfmao that's precisely my point. Keep serving girls dick.  "Man up." 


i will pay attention to this part, only to keep me from being a cynic and unhappy.  Only to keep me having some connection with woman. 


Chimp, no one cares about your sex life. 



tph did bring up a good point about girls who get ignored but hate to be harsh but getting ignored for [lack of] physical beuaty happens to everone.


getting no dates for lack of self- esteem (it's human nature to be insecure btw), game, a place, social skills, etc. etc. etc. is all the extra stuff a male has to do. 


but whatever -- saying this truth seems to get you flamed from both ends. :] 


It's also mentally not so healthy. I'll keep it to myself. Carry on. 


what do you mean keep serving girls dick? as if you're somehow not having fun serving them dick if they accept it :|

you were born in a society that works the way it works, people 1000 years ago had to compromise and adapt to millions of times harsher environments and societies yet your biggest problem is that women have dicks served....


sounds like you need to man up indeed :ben:

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:cry:  ubububu - okay okay. 


eh.. lmao I don't like... being...told... i have to be... the one... to... always...initiate... thus...risk... rejection.


i don't like... being...judged...by... how confident/put together i am... when the girl.. is never under scrutiny.


:rub:  :rub:  :jonb:  Do trust I'm not completely hopeless (The Chipolte chic totally wants me bro). I am learning lots about myself and who I can attract. I'm even going to take your advice and just join more [healthy] conversations again. :-*

Edited by ローsann
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:cry:  ubububu - okay okay. 


eh.. lmao I don't like... being...told... i have to be... the one... to... always...initiate... thus...risk... rejection.


i don't like... being...judged...by... how confident/put together i am... when the girl.. is never under scrutiny.


:rub:  :rub:  :jonb:  Do trust I'm not completely hopeless (The Chipolte chic totally wants me bro). I am learning lots about myself and who I can attract. I'm even going to take your advice and just join more [healthy] conversations again. :-*

lol lonely miserable ****a. No wonder you're always in a bad mood.

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ffs TPH stfu lmfao. You don't know me or what kind of work I do. I do plenty, and I do go to the gym too. :]


y'all don't know my sex life. I wasn't bashing xelle by any means in my post. Good you white-knighted her. Why don't you join forces with my e-stalker Chimp and suck my dick.

Nah, you asked if you think she's "the best her", so I gave you a dose of reality. She doesn't get hit on just for being a girl. There are plenty of women who can go to bar and have not a single guy talk to them all night.

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:cry:  ubububu - okay okay. 


eh.. lmao I don't like... being...told... i have to be... the one... to... always...initiate... thus...risk... rejection.


i don't like... being...judged...by... how confident/put together i am... when the girl.. is never under scrutiny.


:rub:  :rub:  :jonb:  Do trust I'm not completely hopeless (The Chipolte chic totally wants me bro). I am learning lots about myself and who I can attract. I'm even going to take your advice and just join more [healthy] conversations again. :-*


you dont have to hunt her or impress her


but you do need to initiate conversation, do you understand how many men are fucking pathetic? why would women want to hit on men when men become clingy in 3 seconds? if you were a woman you would understand exactly why they dont initiate (in general).


men are more hungry (their fault yes, pathetic yes) but thats how it is...


so anyway you dont have to become a player...just realize what women you are compatible with and you will find one...when you do it wont seem like you are impressing her and putting a siege on her, it will come naturally :)


just like having a friend, you chat, you realize you like each other's company....aaaand done

you are being "rejected" every single day that you dont initiate anyway

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lol filt Chimp N***r still gross. Get shot. Get an attitude lift. Go DIAF jigga lips. 

lol Dude have an anger seizure and shit. :tom: Ladies love my lips btw.


lol he hates you so much :laff:

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