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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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It was your choice so it doesn't matter how hard it seemed to you. Your path was not harder than anyone else's.

I didn't say my path was harder, I was making the case that it had hardships.Every path has hardships.
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It was your choice so it doesn't matter how hard it seemed to you. Your path was not harder than anyone else's.

I didn't say my path was harder, I was making the case that it had hardships.Every path has hardships. But those hardships vary and you are making the claim that I didn't have any additional ones as opposed to anyone else, but everyone goes through varying degrees of hardships on their paths, so who are you to say that I didn't have it harder than other people. You don't personally know me, you don't know what I have been through in my life and you are continuing to judge me.

This discussion is going no where; you guys are just trying to find a way to prove that somehow I'm arrogant for being proud of my choices. I have clearly shown that I'm accepting to others in what they they do and if they want to show that off, then all the power to them. Seriously it's come down to a bunch of people failing to prove anything at all.

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Lol you just don't get it do you. I'm not just arguing semantics here. It's a fundamental flaw in your views. You blindly think all theses things are dangerous which is already proven false, and you clearly think there is a problem with the fact that so many people do smoke and drink, but then pretend you don't.

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Lol you just don't get it do you. I'm not just arguing semantics here. It's a fundamental flaw in your views.

You blindly think all theses things are dangerous which is already proven false, and you clearly think there is a problem with the fact that so many people do smoke and drink, but then pretend you don't.

Continuing the chain of hypocrisy, those things are dangerous and you have made minute cases for a small percentage of the things I abstain from.

You keep failing to understand that by me not caring about what other people do is not plausible in conjunction with me finding something both negative and unappealing, and then to top it off you are somehow trying to fit in things about me that aren't even true.

Edited by el Barto
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Lol you just don't get it do you. I'm not just arguing semantics here. It's a fundamental flaw in your views.

You blindly think all theses things are dangerous which is already proven false, and you clearly think there is a problem with the fact that so many people do smoke and drink, but then pretend you don't.

Continuing the chain of hypocrisy, those things are dangerous and you have made minute cases for a small percentage of the things I abstain from.

You keep failing to understand that by me not caring about what other people do is not plausible in conjunction with me finding something both negative and unappealing, and then to top it off you are somehow trying to fit in things about me that aren't even true.

Alcohol is not dangerous, the abuse of it is. I have yet to see any evidence of the contrary, but I can show you that in moderation it is actually beneficial. Weed we can already agree is not dangerous. Smoking cigarettes and tobacco is another thing we agree on and it's not safe.

While you can try to pass of marijuana and alcohol as "a small percentage of the things you abstain from" you also have stated the fact that such a small number of teens are straight edge. Well guess who make up the majority of the not straight edge crowd: Smokers and drinkers. People who do hardcore drugs or abuse prescription medication only make up a small percentage of people, yet for some reason you feel like you're above these people for abstaining from things that aren't even dangerous.

You make a bunch of claim but have nothing to back them up. And then you claim that I'm making stuff up about you. I will show you every post that supports what I say about you. And the thing I find funny is how you a few pages ago you were straight edge because you don't need these things and now that everyone has stated no one need those things now it's because they are dangerous. Even though in the case of what keeps the majority of people from being straight edge (alcohol and marijuana use) there is nothing dangerous about them.

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lol i guess for barto the idea is to just stop responding to shit that hits too close to home. the best part is all it would take is some light googling to find that alcohol consumption in moderation is actually beneficial. keep that wool over your eyes motherfucker.

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lol i guess for barto the idea is to just stop responding to shit that hits too close to home. the best part is all it would take is some light googling to find that alcohol consumption in moderation is actually beneficial. keep that wool over your eyes motherfucker.

A small percentage of moderate alcohol users will show signs of increased chances of reducing heart disease, not everyone who is a moderate drinker will see these results.
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lol i guess for barto the idea is to just stop responding to shit that hits too close to home. the best part is all it would take is some light googling to find that alcohol consumption in moderation is actually beneficial. keep that wool over your eyes motherfucker.

A small percentage of moderate alcohol users will show signs of increased chances of reducing heart disease, not everyone who is a moderate drinker will see these results.
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lol i guess for barto the idea is to just stop responding to shit that hits too close to home. the best part is all it would take is some light googling to find that alcohol consumption in moderation is actually beneficial. keep that wool over your eyes motherfucker.

A small percentage of moderate alcohol users will show signs of increased chances of reducing heart disease, not everyone who is a moderate drinker will see these results. That makes it dangerous? lmfao.
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lol i guess for barto the idea is to just stop responding to shit that hits too close to home. the best part is all it would take is some light googling to find that alcohol consumption in moderation is actually beneficial. keep that wool over your eyes motherfucker.

A small percentage of moderate alcohol users will show signs of increased chances of reducing heart disease, not everyone who is a moderate drinker will see these results. That makes it dangerous? lmfao. oh yeah, i forgot that alcohol doesn't cause kindey failure, or that getting drunk doesn't increase risks of having accidents that in some cases are vital.
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jesus christ, arguing with the kid for 10 pages. you only prove his point. as someone who does drugs, more important than avoiding the physical risks, I can definitely see the benefit of no dependency towards substances. The less things you depend on to live in content the better... i think.

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jesus christ, arguing with the kid for 10 pages. you only prove his point.

as someone who does drugs, more important than avoiding the physical risks, I can definitely see the benefit of no dependency towards substances.

The less things you depend on to live in content the better... i think.

Lmfao you're the only one here that depends on drugs.
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jesus christ, arguing with the kid for 10 pages. you only prove his point.

as someone who does drugs, more important than avoiding the physical risks, I can definitely see the benefit of no dependency towards substances.

The less things you depend on to live in content the better... i think.

He depends on his straight edge group to give him a sense of belonging. Just like all people who join these shitty groups.

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