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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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No one has a prettier dick than me.

The only dick you can fuck chicks and unbolt tires with :dreamy:

you can also use it to remove baseboards

These fools jelly that my penis has a wide variety of applications :cruise:B)

Except that you don't use it for the most basic one.

lol nigga you're like pussy repellent. :tom:

Women don't even want to be on the same internet as you lmao

haha hate to say this but *internet high 5*

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Orion is so bro looking.

get over yourself

Twas a good time firing that thing off as well B)

You should use it against those dirty natives, like shitakius,

lmao what a waste of bullets, I'd rather just club em

Either are fine by me. Stinky natives :cruise:
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Orion is so bro looking.

get over yourself

Twas a good time firing that thing off as well B)

You should use it against those dirty natives, like shitakius,

lmao what a waste of bullets, I'd rather just club em

Either are fine by me. Stinky natives :cruise:

Says the filthy native. :tom:
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Orion is so bro looking.

get over yourself

Twas a good time firing that thing off as well B)

You should use it against those dirty natives, like shitakius,

lmao what a waste of bullets, I'd rather just club em

Either are fine by me. Stinky natives :cruise:

Says the filthy native. :tom:

Except I'm not. My family from one side is white and the other white mixed with black and filipino. :reg:
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Orion is so bro looking.

get over yourself

Twas a good time firing that thing off as well B)

You should use it against those dirty natives, like shitakius,

lmao what a waste of bullets, I'd rather just club em

Either are fine by me. Stinky natives :cruise:

Says the filthy native. :tom:

Except I'm not. My family from one side is white and the other white mixed with black and filipino. :reg:

So you are part black and you have the nerve to say that shit. :tom:

Incans and Aztecas created a complex agricultural system, the abacus, astrological predictions and shit.

Black people invented aids. :kaz:

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Calling natives normal people :tom:

Like I said, natives contributed a LOT for modern society.

All black people have contributed are aids and hip hop. :puke:

And what's your contribution? A dark spin on lee hotti?
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Calling natives normal people :tom:

Like I said, natives contributed a LOT for modern society.

All black people have contributed are aids and hip hop. :puke:

And what's your contribution? A dark spin on lee hotti?

I believe your biggest contribution should be "How a human being can attain virginity forever"
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Calling natives normal people :tom:

Like I said, natives contributed a LOT for modern society.

All black people have contributed are aids and hip hop. :puke:

And what's your contribution? A dark spin on lee hotti?

I believe your biggest contribution should be "How a human being can attain virginity forever"

Don't you mean preserve? Attaining virgins is something attributed to terrorists like yourself.

I hope your first date(stalk) of xelle is worth all the airmiles you have to save up for it. Just try not to blow the plane up on the way there :cruise:

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btw mala, abacus wasn't invented by natives :reg:


Some sources mention the use of an abacus called a nepohualtzintzin in ancient Mayan culture. This Mesoamerican abacus used a 5-digit base-20 system.[25] The word Nepohualtzintzin comes from the Nahuatl and it is formed by the roots; Ne - personal -; pohual or pohualli - the account -; and tzintzin - small similar elements. And its complete meaning was taken as: counting with small similar elements by somebody. Its use was taught in the "Kalmekak" to the "temalpouhkeh", who were students dedicated to take the accounts of skies, from childhood. Unfortunately the Nepohualtzintzin and its teaching were among the victims of the conquering destruction, when a diabolic origin was attributed to them after observing the tremendous properties of representation, precision and speed of calculations.[citation needed]

Ok, inventing them might not be an accurate fact, but they still worked on it nonetheless.

Don't see African Abacus on that page. :reg:

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