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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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Please tell me which one of your fine respectful comments was you trying to squash it.

Was it calling me a faggot? Was it comparing me to some fictional beef? Must've been the lovable black beetle juice shit.

When you stop acting like Mr. Tough Guy or STFU (lmfao like you ever could), I'll gladly be civil with you.

Have you guys ever considered blocking each other? FFS...

I just tried to squash it...for this thread at least. Blocking is for fags, and not to mention this dude mentions me in threads I'm not even in.

Edited by kokujin
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Please tell me which one of your fine respectful comments was you trying to squash it.

Was it calling me a faggot? Was it comparing me to some fictional beef? Must've been the lovable black beetle juice shit.

When you stop acting like Mr. Tough Guy or STFU (lmfao like you ever could), I'll gladly be civil with you.

Have you guys ever considered blocking each other? FFS...

I just tried to squash it...for this thread at least. Blocking is for fags, and not to mention this dude mentions me in threads I'm not even in.

When I mentioned you need to stop ruining the thread with another PMS attack. I was talking to someone else, and then you show up with your nappy neckbeard ass, white knighting for some ****a you don't even know.
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We don't have new posters here. They're just rehashes made up of old banned posters.

lmfao that idiot really thinks someone just joined the forum and the first thing they did was post a pic in here.

Who would even know about this place these days anyway? :ben: it's not like we're known all over.

Didn't know this would be a huge deal :ben:

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So chimpy he had to post it twice. No sorry buddy. Your stupid ploy of "lmfao this faggot needs to stop ruining this thread" is NOT an attempt to squash it, but another attempt to get my attention and heat your way.

**Real talk, how come you're never friendly? did your relatives abandon you? I know you're like 35 and live by yourself.

But really, why so angry to a bunch of strangers, pal.

Edited by kokujin
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:tom:at this delusional house ****er




they match your try-hard personality. go for it, Chimp.

Ew. Liquid faggot is here. *pukes a little* :reg:

gagging on a cock again?

walked right into that one :ben:

ain't nobody gave a fuck about your needy ass on new years. Don't nobody care now.

Yeah tattoo shotgun to the mouth on your arm. Sounds like a great idea for the amount of narcotics you do.

lmfao threads I'm not even in.

wiping Liquid's tears. He got the brunt of his emotions out on Christmas, but now he's just a helpless miserable bitch (more so than usual). It's okay. We'll get through it.

he's handsome horse. notice HH doesn't post anymore, then DT is all over it. One time when DT was ragging hard on me, HH makes the same style post right after (he forgot to log out).

So he is HH cray schizo SW attention account, or there really is a 34 year old nigga mad hell bent on seeming important.

damn i just love this bro's dick in my mouth and his nuts slapping my chin

and your useless ass has decided to lap up the precum off his dick.

Watch the Lakers dust NYK.

Pick up Chimp's puke as he pukes his guts out from having to drink alone on christmas eve.

Dropping him off @ the homeless shelter afterwards.

Even in holiday threads, you're so obsessed with me and driven by rage you're turning them from friendly chats into your vendetta shit. Hell, anyone can scroll back a few pages in this thread and it's another patented you vs 10 people multipage fight. You're the most miserable bitch to ever log in this site, and always projecting that on others. Hell, you even hate on other people for not hating on me. I mean damn.

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Something is wrong if you spent your holidays on a forum.

Your sig is cool, but Cap's proportions look odd around his midsection :|

It's all good. I love Humberto Ramos' art style. It doesn't bother me too much because I do like Bucky's CapAm outfit alot more than the original.

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