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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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your orange you glad joke ain't original and it's more than 15 years old. you bummed it from someone else.  what are you talking about Jimmy? 

that joke just happened real-time *cough* in my house. i thought it was pretty clever so I posted it. it's probably not original - everything already written but it was a good joke, nonetheless. *cough*

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nah. It's earned.  When you're young, you got a lot of emotions fueling you, you have shit understanding the world let alone shit responsbilities and expectations upon yourself.



and things haven't gotten grim, old or predictable yet. You lack any real understanding, so to speak.



Which is cool/good you can experience a lot of cool random shit.


but once you're not as ignorant, and your BUBBLY EMOTIONS have settled, and you have a more rigid/logical understanding of the world,


i think happiness is earned. I would replace happiness with sense accomplishment and satisfaction or (rare moments of) pure acceptance of all saddness anyways. It's defintiely not a mood you reach and stay in.  Spoilaz.

Edited by 松尾忠義
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Hi guys  :straightlaugh:



Haven't made any gains in the past 4-5 months months since my last pic. On the bright side, I haven't gained any weight despite my slightly horrid eating habits. Tried juicing/smoothieing? a few weeks ago but after losing 4-5 lbs I pigged out and reverted back to my "normal" weight. I'm currently reducing my portions and eating more fruits, which has resulted in some weight loss. I'm not starving like I was while juicing, so that's a plus. Hope to lose 10-15 lbs in the next 3 months. Wish me luck. 

Edited by BLACKICE
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why would you wanna lose weight as a man?


I've been doing free-gym, just using some free weights my bro has. every other day + eating my normal diet. keeps my titties, arms and shoulders looking full.


surprisingly, lean and natural is way better and easier than pigging out + trying to LIFT BRO. At least for me. If I keep seeing gains for a year this is way better. 

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