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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Haven't made any gains in the past 4-5 months months since my last pic. On the bright side, I haven't gained any weight despite my slightly horrid eating habits. Tried juicing/smoothieing? a few weeks ago but after losing 4-5 lbs I pigged out and reverted back to my "normal" weight. I'm currently reducing my portions and eating more fruits, which has resulted in some weight loss. I'm not starving like I was while juicing, so that's a plus. Hope to lose 10-15 lbs in the next 3 months. Wish me luck. 

for how long were you you juicing to lose 5lbs?

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Haven't made any gains in the past 4-5 months months since my last pic. On the bright side, I haven't gained any weight despite my slightly horrid eating habits. Tried juicing/smoothieing? a few weeks ago but after losing 4-5 lbs I pigged out and reverted back to my "normal" weight. I'm currently reducing my portions and eating more fruits, which has resulted in some weight loss. I'm not starving like I was while juicing, so that's a plus. Hope to lose 10-15 lbs in the next 3 months. Wish me luck. 

for how long were you you juicing to lose 5lbs?


3 or 4 days

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Lost 7 lbs since my post last week. Hurt my knee(over stretched tendon?) doing squats two days ago so I phased that out of my routine, for now. At my current pace I plan on reaching my 15 lb(160 lbs) weight loss goal in two more weeks, 47 lbs total since April 2013. At that point, I'll evaluate my physical appearance and either lose another 5 lbs or bulk up by 5 lbs.

Edited by BLACKICE
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so you're losing muscle and strength, from not working out and you're proud? I don't get it. 

Uh, no. I workout 8 -10 x a week for 70 minutes each. 30 minute interval run, 150 squats, 150 pushups, 200 crunches and curl 35 lb dumbbells x 50 reps. After each workout I have my whey protein shake. Maintaining my muscle mass is difficult when I'm dieting and incorporate lots of cardio, but I think I'm doing a decent enough job. My main concern is weight loss, so after I reach my goal I'll focus on toning, adding muscle up until 165 lbs. I'd imagine 10 lbs of muscle on a 155 lb frame should make for a strong, athletic appearance.


 I still have girls commenting on how swoll I look, so it's not like muscle loss, if any, is noticeable. 

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if it wasn't for the face pic i would have assumed he was a full white

I share the same complexion as many of my Korean relatives in winter. During summer months I tend to look high yellow, almost Simpsons like. :ben: 



My phone's cam settings don't help out either. 

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i thought you're only supposed to do it 1 hour 

i dont think ive ever done a lift under 2 hours



Yeah but the both of you aren't that big or strong looking.


On every fitness forum they say over 1 hr 20min is pointless.

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it really is. I have no idea wtf you could be doing with 2 hours. 


you could work out 30 minutes and you would still see good gains. It's more about tiring out your muscles/going hard on just 1-3 sets and then eating. And repeating this process.

Edited by Low The Great Astrologist.
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i thought you're only supposed to do it 1 hour 

i dont think ive ever done a lift under 2 hours



Yeah but the both of you aren't that big or strong looking.


On every fitness forum they say over 1 hr 20min is pointless.


this is when i was much bigger than i am now. i already proved i was more useful than any of you idiots with my state qualifiers work and my near record performances


i was no house but i was pure muscle. i used the bigger faster stronger system and then added my own cardio/core. after school id start lifting at 3:15 and not finish til about 6. if i had practice for a sport id do my lift there if we were in the weight room and kill two birds with one stone


but you need time in between workouts. stop running and just "pumping it out", feel every fiber. be slow and deliberate. 

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