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DURANGO Devkit Features a "Monster" 16 Core IBM Power PC CPU

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While they both share the same A2 architecture you're talking about a completely different CPU, even with a different number of cores. And then you're using an article from 2011 to try and convince yourself it would be too expensive years later in 2013 LOL

Too expensive? No. Expensive? Maybe. The 720 is going to be a BEAST afterall :glad:

The CPU is using the A2 architecture and it has 18 cores. If there was any CPU we can go by to assume what 720 might use based on this rumor than this is the CPU.

And yes this article from 2011 has Intel (you know the people who actually are making these CPU) stating it's expensive even in a high margin market.

Even if IBM is able to repurpose the cores of other PowerPC architectures, designing and implementing a custom SoC for a single niche market, albeit a high-margin one, is an expensive proposition.

Intel has spoken and the more I read up on this the more unlikely 720 will have 16 cores. 720 has a better chance of having 12GB of RAM than a 16 core CPU.

What you consider to be likely or unlikely is completely irrelevant.

What you consider to be too expensive ( especially since you don't even know the cost ) is also irrelevant.

It is LIKELY that MS will once again be licensing an IBM CPU design. If so, it can only be based on a known or a secret chipset. Most likely a known chipset with SOME customization. Even at this point we have narrowed things down to a very very small handful of options.

The A2 is an excellent high core, low power (watts) CPU for a console, and yes, you may very well be right about it being expensive. But "expensive" is a very time sensitive word in the world of electronics. MS may be completely willing to put in an expensive CPU for 2013 because they know that by 2014/2015 it will nolonger be expensive. This is exactly the strategy they have used for their last two consoles and is an ESSENTIAL strategy, especially if they are planning another 8 year long generation.

MS using a CPU that some people consider to be "OMG, so expensive and overkill" is LIKELY.

EDIT : I would also like to add that how many cores a CPU has is an irrelevant metric today as a judge of how powerful a CPU is. There are phones today with 4 cores, that the 4 core CPU in my 5 year old PC no doubt rapes.

When judging how appropriate a CPU design is for a console the most important metric isn't how powerful, but how powerful per watt ( efficiency ). The A2 fits well.

If you design a console that many people believe is "reasonable" one or two years before it even launches, then what you've done is design a console that is far too weak.

Edited by The Whipit Scrolls
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16 core 64 thread cpu with 4 GPUS and 12g of ram

I believe this is what the "OBAN" CPU in the 720 will be based on...

Posted Image

Each "A2" is a "core"

It's possible they may use less cores in an attempt to improve yields, if they are a problem.

Now you're no longer arguing that th 720 will have 16 cores. 720 could easily get a 4 core cpu based on the A2 architecture which is exactly what the article talks about when it states the 18 core design was too costly.

Ultimately you can forget about consoles getting a cpu designed for super computing servers.

The closest we came to that was the cell qnd you see how that turned out. MS should focus on beastly GPU and RAM. I no longer believe cpu is as important as the other two components.

I even except sony reusing the same exact cell chip to save cost if that would help them go all out on gpu and ram.

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I believe this is what the "OBAN" CPU in the 720 will be based on...

Posted Image

Each "A2" is a "core"

It's possible they may use less cores in an attempt to improve yields, if they are a problem.

Now you're no longer arguing that th 720 will have 16 cores. 720 could easily get a 4 core cpu based on the A2 architecture which is exactly what the article talks about when it states the 18 core design was too costly.

Ultimately you can forget about consoles getting a cpu designed for super computing servers.

The closest we came to that was the cell qnd you see how that turned out. MS should focus on beastly GPU and RAM. I no longer believe cpu is as important as the other two components.

I even except sony reusing the same exact cell chip to save cost if that would help them go all out on gpu and ram.

Sony should just use a modified PowerXCell 8i and spend most money on GPU and RAM
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I believe this is what the "OBAN" CPU in the 720 will be based on...

Posted Image

Each "A2" is a "core"

It's possible they may use less cores in an attempt to improve yields, if they are a problem.

Now you're no longer arguing that th 720 will have 16 cores. 720 could easily get a 4 core cpu based on the A2 architecture which is exactly what the article talks about when it states the 18 core design was too costly.

Ultimately you can forget about consoles getting a cpu designed for super computing servers.

The closest we came to that was the cell qnd you see how that turned out. MS should focus on beastly GPU and RAM. I no longer believe cpu is as important as the other two components.

I even except sony reusing the same exact cell chip to save cost if that would help them go all out on gpu and ram.

No I'm saying that it's entirely likely that it will have 16 cores. It's been REPORTED to have 16 cores ( the Dev kit anyway ).

You seem to be arguing that it will only have 4 cores, not much of a jump up from the 360 which had 3.

Microsoft will no doubt also be putting in a Beastly GPU ( or two ) and 4 Gigs of RAM Minimum.

It's Sony's strategy that's likely going to be more humble. The latest rumor from Pastebin states that the dev kits have been upgraded ( quite substantially ) from what IGN has reported. They are a lot more powerful now. The reason stated was that there has been a lot of indecision within Sony asto the hardware strategy of the PS4. The latest word is that they have upgraded from 2 Gigs to 4 Gigs of RAM ( after extreme protest from 3rd party and 1st party devs ) and that they will be putting out a Powerful PS4, just not a Batshit crazy powerful PS4.

It's HIGHLY likely that Microsoft will be putting out a more powerful console than Sony next Gen.

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