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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Gee

  1. Eva, you are offically a cow again. Your days of being a lemGod are over.
  2. When it comes to games, SF >>> MK But in terms of movies, MK >>> SF fact.
  3. ^ Suprisingly, that DoA vid is more entertaining than every tekken vid iv'e ever seen.
  4. Wow, you posted a PSP video and a story mode round, you know nothing. Both videos show just how bad tekken's gameplay is. lmao type "Dead or Alive button mashing" in youtube and you get no results. Same cant be said for the POS known as tekken .
  5. ba ba no button mashing i swear guys!1 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdPbhpXSdvY tekken gameplay is revolutionary http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=420ZDqdsufg
  6. PoC is holding down gaming with all those VF flops :shakes:
  7. No damage control here sheepie, just a reminder of what faction owned 2006B) I find it funny how you say you're not hiding behind playstation yet you haven't even mentioned SSB.. Defend your own fighters sheep, oops you dont have any :DB)
  8. No damage control here sheepie, just a reminder of what faction owned 2006
  9. Seeing as it happens so seldomly, I would agree. But this is not ownage, its simply cow/sheep circle jerk cry me a river child. tears of joy after realizing that I cannot be owned
  10. Seeing as it happens so seldomly, I would agree. But this is not ownage, its simply cow/sheep circle jerk
  11. a sheep hiding behind a playstation game , desperation at its finest Doesn't change the fact that DoA4 sucks. It owns
  12. a sheep hiding behind a playstation game , desperation at its finest
  13. lmfao this thread is still going. lemGods haven't been owned since 2005, sheep and cows are trying to make the ownage last long on this one... though I dont see any ownage
  14. Rofl theGee's damage control in the name of his lemkid friends, go eat your cookies and be a good boy Don't forget that glass of milk as well rofl looks like you had a good night sleep, woke up as quick as you could to get another serving of lemmon cock 7:00pm curfew
  15. Devo, you baiting machine You simply post ":wonder:" and the sheep and cows join forces cry for 57 pages
  16. the same can be said with any other fighting game, VF just has a stricter learning curve You just selfowned yourself. VF is just unique. They just can copy VF. One because its so harder and deep, and second because every move is more close to life, and no arcade shit like Tekken. what so unique about VF? it just has a harder learning curve, if VF isnt arcadey shit then there wouldnt be any juggles or bounce effects. what about the universal take downs where each character jumps 20 into the air just to land a hit on a grounded opponent. Is that close to life? I am talking about
  17. That was boring as hell. Seriously. DOA fights look exactly like that but more fluidly and more fast.Too bad for you we play fighting games and don't watch them You watch the game as you play the game... Oops I forgot Tekken jaggies cut your eyes and make you blind. Owned.
  18. All the sheep went to bed Its past their 7:00pm bedtime curfew All the sheep are banned. Sheep Saint bhytre is here to watch over the place while little lemkids get chased around Why were the sheepies banned?
  19. We're defending it the same reason they're hating it... Its an Xsex fighter
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