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Posts posted by 54212

  1. You're doing great, comrades. Now let's get Built Back Better passed, pass a wealth tax, and make tax payers foot the bill for middle and upper class student loan dept. Let's get this economy really singing. 🤑




    US economy unexpectedly shrinks 1.4% in first quarter of 2022: Is a recession looming?


    Real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased at an annual rate of 1.4%, according to the BEA's advance estimate. This is down significantly from the 6.9% GDP growth rate seen in the fourth quarter of 2021, marking the steepest drop since the spring of 2020. The drop was led by a fall in private inventory investments, exports, federal government spending and state and local government spending. Simultaneously, imports — which are a subtraction from the GDP — increased.





  2. Meet the vagina-haver in charge:








    On October 20, 2020, the AP interviewed Jankowicz who insisted the laptop was a non-story:


    "The actual origins of the emails are unclear. And disinformation experts say there are multiple red flags that raise doubts about [the email authenticity, including questions about whether the laptop actually belongs to Hunter Biden," said Nina Jankowicz, a fellow at the nonpartisan Wilson Center in Washington. [The Wilson Center is named after famous racist Progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson and is a leftwing NGO. - Ed.]


    “We should view it as a Trump campaign product,” Jankowicz said.




    Back to October 2020. Jankowicz linked to a news article that cast “yet more doubt on the provenance of the NY Post’s Hunter Biden story.” She added, “Not to mention that the emails don’t need to be altered to be part of an influence campaign. Voters deserve that context, not a [fairy] tale about a laptop repair shop.”


    She gushed over Christopher Steele, the man who pushed the debunked “Steele dossier” alleging Russian/Trump collusion. “Listened to this last night – Chris Steele (yes THAT Chris Steele) provides some great historical context about the evolution of disinfo,” Jankowicz tweeted in August 2020.


    In other words, the DHS anti-disinformation group will be led by a leading purveyor of disinformation.



    You're doing great, comrades.



  3. 19 hours ago, jehurey said:

    They're like a sadder version of NO MA'AM from Married with Children


    You're literally a virgin in his late-30s who lives in his mom's house, has no job, and your favorite porno is one where a guy slaps around a women and tells her to suck his dick LOL

  4. At this point Remy's been fully radicalized into the Woke cult. He's so programmed now he can't even define what a woman is anymore without using circular logic.


    And LOL at this thread. It's been a running joke for years that Woke male feminists constantly turn out to be sexual predators. But then again this is the same cult that wants to use public schools to sexually indoctrinate kindergarteners into queer theory.

  5. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    :tom:this looks like a scene out of goodwill hunting, where he thinks reciting something out of a history book is going to win him an argument about modern warfare.


    Oh boy I've pissed off little Saucer, now.


    Another sign he knows he got bitchslapped in that other thread, so he needs to come in here and try to find some wins. LOL


    Its so obvious.


    You implied the Ukrainian pilot thought they were useless. Now you're trying to cover up your lie buy quoting an American and pretending the pilot said it. 

    You're a pathological liar. :kaz:


  6. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    No, its not the parameters of the Texas family law.


    It's physical child abuse and therefore it clearly does.


    4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    You just modified another one of your sources


    "...they have some side effects..."


    It says it right there, yet you keep lying that they're completely safe and FDA approved. And why do you keep avoiding the well-established permanent harm caused by cross-sex hormones and sex reassignment surgery?  Why is that, groomer?


    Answer the question, you child predator scumbag. 

  7. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    No...........I didn't lie.


    Highlight the actual words in which I lied, or highlight the actual words in which I specifically said the Senate is affected by gerrymandered.


    I specifically refer to it regarding the house...........its right there in my post, and you know it.

    I already did, liar.



    The RAW number of votes for House Congressional seats always favors Democrats, yet Republicans get more seats that the raw percentage of the vote


    HINT: Due to gerrymandering


    Same thing applies to US Senate seats, but its even more tilted in Republicans favor.


    You thought the Senate can be jerrymandered. :kaz:

  8. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    1.) Poland MIGs are actually in worse condition, so they were never going to be of any use


    You're a pathological liar, groomer.


    "Of course, we need them,” Juice said of the additional MiG-29s. “For primary interception, for primary air defense against bombers, against other attackers, other strikers, they are pretty effective.”

  9. Aside from waning to give children experimental puberty blocking drugs while having little data on their side effects, the groomers on here are studiously avoiding talking about cross-sex hormones, which often do render children sterile among other pleasant side-effects like micropenises, and gender reassignment surgery, which literally involves amputation and mutilation of body parts.


    To children. Who can't legally consent.


    Let that sink in.

  10. 2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    It is not Texas law.


    It's child abuse according to the parameters of Texas family law. 


    2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Medical consensus is that hormone therapy does not cause physical injury or substantial harm, or ANY harm, to a child.


    You're lying again. I've cited numerous major sources. 


    Here's St. Louise Children's Hospital: 


    What Are the Side Effects of Puberty Blockers?

    Possible long-term side effects of puberty blockers:


    - Lower bone density. To protect against this, we work to make sure every patient gets enough exercise, calcium and vitamin D, which can help keep bones healthy and strong. We also closely monitor patients’ bone density.
    - Delayed growth plate closure, leading to slightly taller adult height.  
    - Less development of genital tissue, which may limit options for gender affirming surgery (bottom surgery) later in life.
    - Other possible long-term side effects that are not yet known.


    2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    They are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


    You're lying again.


    New Atlantis:


    In the United States, the treatment of gender dysphoria is not yet an FDA-approved use for GnRH analogue drugs (although treatments for precocious puberty, prostate cancer, and other conditions are approved).[94] This means that puberty suppression relies on the “off-label” prescription of GnRH analogue treatments; doctors are permitted to use these drugs in treating children with gender dysphoria, but the lack of FDA approval means that pharmaceutical companies selling the drugs cannot market them for treating gender dysphoria. Off-label status reflects that the use has not been proven in clinical trials to be safe and effective.


    2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Your use of that Mayo Clinic quote is misleading.


    No it's not. They're referring to giving puberty blockers to young children with early onset puberty and then taking them off the blockers once they reach the normal age of puberty, which studies have shown rarely affects their fertility. The issue is giving blockers to older children when they reach the normal age of puberty. We have little data on how that affects their fertility.


    2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    And I caught you. Not to mention that the Mayo Clinic actually concludes the very opposite of what you were trying to say.


    You're lying again. They're simply saying puberty will resume. They aren't saying it will resume without any damage having been done.


    All you do is lie, groomer. 




  11. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    So in other words....................I didn't say Republican Senators, or Senate races in general are affected by gerrymandering.


    So................you're claim about what I said is wrong.



    Now you're stuck lying about like a little kid even though it's right there for everyone to see LOL


  12. And of course Incel Jer immediately goes full groomer. 


    3 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Greg Abbott has Ken Paxton issue a legal OPINION on interpreting that state's vague laws regarding child abuse, to determine that "sex reassignment surgery" and "hormone therapy" , according to Ken Paxton, falls under those laws


    Paxton's legal opinion is absolutely correct. The procedures do cause substantial harm to children who would otherwise outgrow gender dysphoria, which is the vast majority of them. Under Texas family law, that clearly constitutes child abuse:


    Texas Family Code § 261.001(1)


    Physical Abuse: Failing to take reasonable action to prevent another person from causing physical injury and substantial harm to the child.


    And big surprise, the activist judge who blocked the policy is a Democrat women with a JD from UATX and serves in Travis County. I'm shocked there's gambling in Casablanca.


    3 hours ago, jehurey said:

    And he's also lying there, because hormone blockers do not cause anything permanent


    That's a lie.


    NHS: "Little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria...It's also not known whether hormone blockers affect the development of the teenage brain or children's bones. Side effects may also include hot flushes, fatigue and mood alterations."


    Mayo Clinic: "Use of GnRH analogues might also have long-term effects on: Growth spurts, bone growth and density, future fertility."


    American Association of Pediatrics: "Research on long-term risks, particularly in terms of bone metabolism and fertility, is currently limited and provides varied results."


    And the most common blocker used, Lupron, is known to cause bone problems and other issues because we've been giving it adults to treat cancer for decades. 


    You're advocating giving an experimental drug treatment with very little longitudinal data to children for a mental health issue the vast majority grow out of normally. You're disgusting.


    And it's really telling that you avoided the harm caused by cross-sex hormones and gender reassignment surgery because even your dumbass knows they cause significant harm to children with gender dysphoria who would otherwise outgrow it, which again, is the vast majority. Yet you still advocate it.


    You and your political cult have gone from being ridiculous to becoming plain vile.

  13. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    where have i said that, regarding the Senate?


    please quote it.


    Right here Sparky:


    3 hours ago, jehurey said:

    The majority of state legislatures in the US are controlled by Republicans.


    The RAW number of votes for House Congressional seats always favors Democrats, yet Republicans get more seats that the raw percentage of the vote


    HINT: Due to gerrymandering


    Same thing applies to US Senate seats, but its even more tilted in Republicans favor.


    There're about ten things wrong with this argument but you claiming Republicans have gerrymandered the Senate actually made me laugh out loud. 

  14. The progs are avoiding this thread like the plague. 


    Biden takes office: 




    US vs. Eurozone:




    Inflation vs. Wage Growth:



    The Carter Malaise is back. Great job, progs.

    • Upvote 1
  15. By the way my favorite argument from you three lately is Jerry claiming Republicans win Senate seats so often because of gerrymandering. That one was a giant chef's kiss.



  16. There's so much bullshit on this board from you three but I only have a few minutes so I guess I'll go with this one.


    Texas law prohibits performing sex reassignment surgery on children or providing them with hormone blockers and cross-sex hormones. Abbott simply ordered CPS to investigate reports of people violating those laws. That's it.


    Further, the Texas Tribune article states the total number of CPS investigators who've either quit or are seeking new jobs because of the governor's order is "more than half a dozen." That's it. That's what the reporter is falsely calling a "mass exodus."




    - 90% of children with gender dysphoria outgrow it.


    - 80% of children who ID as trans have two or more mental disorders besides gender dysphoria. When a non-trans group has as many mental health disorders as a trans group, the suicide risks are almost identical.


    - Foster children ID as trans at 15X the rate of children in general. Do you begin to see the pattern?


    - Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones cause children to become sterile, boys to have micropenises, and often other pleasant side-effects like loss of bone density and an inability to orgasm. And sex reassignment surgery requires amputations that can't be reversed. 


    So which part do you disagree with? Prohibiting people from giving children puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or amputating and/or mutilating their body parts in the hope that they'll look more like the opposite sex? (Which Queer Theory claims is  merely a social construct based on harmful binary stereotypes that should be abolished -- that's how batshit confused it is about it's own "theories".)


    Tell us so we can accurate determine if you're pro-groomer or not. 

  17. I'm with GD. Team Standard Time. I like it getting dark early, and I like having daylight during the morning commute because it makes driving safer. 


    7 hours ago, lostfool said:

    So both in California and Florida voters passed a law to make Daylight savings time permanent. But we live a in fake democracy and we don't actually get to choose our laws.  The legislature in both states then have to approve it.  Unfortunately in California every single Republican legislator voted against it so they could never get the 66% needed to be sent to the Governor to sign it. 


    Dems have a super-majority in both chamber of the CA legislature. They don't need a single Republican vote to pass legislation. It's a true one-party state. The bill was never put up for a vote in the legislature because the public is split on whether to make DST or ST permanent (and making DST permanent would require federal approval due to a quirk of federal law).




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