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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I play thru the regular season and playoffs, and some in the off season. why would I want to own madden for a month and sell it, when I already told you I play sporadically thru the season? you’re running
  2. Why would I pay $10 a month in GameFly when that would be more expensive than my GP subscription? And you’re forgetting, I play madden, nhl, mlb, dabble with fifa/nba, Tried outriders (awful game). This is all within the last few months, too. to own these games (which I don’t want to own a single one), I’d be paying $400
  3. No, I paid about $50 a year when it was all said and done. why would I want to own madden? It’s not worth $60 (let alone $70) per year
  4. I play a game here and there with my friend, which I’ve been doing for years. We’re adults, we don’t game for 20 hours straight and definitely not madden. An average game is about 20 minutes long. I can do 3 in a hour, or 30 games over the course of 10 hours. This typically takes me to around the Super Bowl, when the game is released fully on Gamepass.
  5. Wait, I lied. Madden is still 70 on PS5. Lmao. Madden, the Show, Outriders would cost you $200 on PS. It’s didn’t even cost me $100 to access these titles.
  6. Shoot me a link to where I could have been able to play madden on launch day for $12 .. I’ll wait Madden is STILL $60 on PS and being the big PS fan you are, I know you BOUGHT shitriders and MLB, LOL you already spent more on those two than I did in two years of GP sub. Meaning I get both of those games (for way cheaper) and oh so many more.
  7. It looks pretty good in some ways.. but kinda bad in others. Like it’s missing shadows or something in spots.
  8. I just made a Ubisoft sucks thread but for the record this is probably the best Ubisoft game ever made and I still said I’m cool with never playing it again after buying it on Sunday so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. How shitty “In line with the evolution of our high-quality line-up that is increasingly diverse, we are moving on from our prior comment regarding releasing 3-4 premium AAAs per year,” said Ubisoft’s chief financial officer Frederick Duguet. “It is indeed no longer a proper indication of our value creation dynamics. For example, our expectation for Just Dance and Riders Republic are consistent with some of the industry’s AAA performers. “Additionally, we are building high-end free-to-play games to be trending towards AAA ambitions over the long-term,” he added
  10. Yeah, I did not buy it on switch for that reason but there’s aspects of the switch version that would make it easier to play (ie portability)
  11. I could easily see myself never playing it again after sinking in like 5 hours initially lol. Not that it’s bad, it’s actually pretty fun.. I just don’t know if I have that level of investment atm this is where switch shines. I could play botw on the shitter, in bed, etc i got this on series x so no go on the shitter play
  12. If anyone wants it, it’s $30 for Xbox thru ms. $30 at Best Buy for switch. Don’t know/don’t care about ps5. 👎🏻
  13. Picked this game up on sale just to see how it compares to botw. So far it’s pretty good, basically a clone but that’s okay. anyone play it? I dunno if I’ll ever get around to beating it but it’s good for a rainy day here and there seemingly.
  14. This is GREAT news. Maybe Capcom will force MS to buy the next RE for Gamepass. tho I’ve never been a RE fan so I’ll skip this and that one.
  15. I’m just saying, why would you prefer to play outriders or MLB on PS, if, as you claim.. most people own both (xb and ps)? Owning those two alone are nearly equivalent to a Gamepass sub for a year. No one will play MLB or shitriders for a full year anyway… maybe MLB, but not when the new one releases.
  16. No.. I don’t care at all. If it ended tomorrow, great, I got exactly what I needed out of it. I forget how much I paid, but I’m paid thru several years of GP, and at a very reduced rate. I would buy at least two EA games a year, which literally already allow me to make my money back (and then some, really). Everything else is free, as i already had GP pay itself back for the year. if MS ended GP, I’d still get madden & nhl yearly, and still spend ~120 a year on it. Gamepass isn’t ending for several years at the earliest. and I don’t expect it to make money any
  17. Now, let’s assume I was gonna buy the show and outriders like all cows did. I wouldn’t have to pay a DIME for either you missed the part where my Gamepass is paid off for 3+ years and I paid a FRACTION of the normal sub
  18. You get 10 hours. I enjoy playing with one specific buddy each year, and we probably put around 30 Hours each year into the games. I can easily stretch the 10 hours they give me until they’re released for free. I had 3 hours left on nhl before it came to Gamepass so yeah, free I have no desire to own these games, they’re yearly rehashes
  19. You're running from the topic. The topic is the top sellers for PS in April being on gamepass The top selling game is $70 on PS5..LMAO. It's free for me
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