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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT AN ANALYST IS id actually RATHER be a customer service rep than a fucking janitor, so think what you want dirt cleaner
  2. Want me to call high mark, record the convo, and post the call? i you a perm ban they will say they don’t have the spd or sbcs available and no, it was a 500$ deductible and 80/20 co insurance now run jerry! Run!
  3. I’m not gonna argue with you about my job lmfao. Jerry I am 1000x more successful than u. I have been stating to be a benefit analyst for the last 9 years. Find a post of me saying ANYTHING else, or flat out admit it, you got some messes to clean.
  4. Who do you think puts the logic into the systems so the service center can operate? he isn’t even denying he has to come into work as a janitor anymore.
  5. The fuck I do jerry. LOL. If I worked at a call center, I wouldn’t be a paper pusher either. I’d be a fucking customer service rep. Does my company have them? Yes. Am I one? Lol.. no. but you ARE a janitor, and you’ve admittted it before
  6. I don’t work in a fucking call center LMAO. I’m a fucking analyst for several Fortune 500 company benefit packages. what is this fool rambling on about “I don’t have to work” yet you’re there, aren’t you? For fun? “I don’t have to work as a janitor bc there is no mess to clean, they still make me come in tho” all this to try to distract us that Samsung is flopping with every chance it gets
  7. LMAO. He does still have to work! im still working as I speak. And getting paid. Dawg I have a blunt in hand and am in my fucking underwear. meanwhile you’re forced back into your janitor role to clean
  8. Actually, GameCube. I remember also playing it on pc in like 2000 or 2001.
  9. What does this add lol other than within a year, the pro max is worth more than the s20 ultra. Hell, just a few months really.
  10. What’s selling more? S20 or the 8 month old iPhone 11? people want that value , baby. jerry still has to go to work lmfao. Or... is he laid off?
  12. The only thing hiding is PS5’s power
  13. Can you find a post of me bragging about third party games on Switch? because I’m ready to bump 10+ posts of you declaring power as essential
  14. The fuck does this have to do with anything? Lmao! when Xbox beats ps5, and cows boast about how ps5 (unreleased) is stronger than a 4 year old HANDHELD... wow it’s over
  15. Do Switch owners care about third party games? ive said it THREE times in 20 minutes and you’re still clinging onto that. excpet now, your third party versions will be 3rd best lmao. Pc, Xbox....THEN ps5. shit, at least switch 3rd party games allow for something new (portability), what will you get outta them on ps5? Worse graphics is the only feature LMAO
  16. Oh and here it is. Cows don’t give a shit about graphics anymore
  17. I’m playing exclusives on switch you bitch
  18. Who wants a gimped version of either of these consoles
  19. Xbox literally just beat Sony at its OWN game. Im not hiding behind anything, rather than stating facts. it’s a HILARIOUS in the annoucememt thread to see your hype slowly decline over the course of the thread. And now you’re just flat out angry with Sony, and it’s showing...BIG time.
  20. Look at that fucking dodge. like I have ever bragged about shit third party games. I buy Nintendo platforms... for Nintendo games shit head. And so do most people, considering switch is still dominating. but if I DO want those third party games, I sure as hell know not to buy a PS5
  21. So based on the specs, PS5 will load....worse graphics than XSX, at a faster rate. and this is what cows will hang onto for the next 6 years. But our loads are 10 seconds shorter, who cares about graphics!!!111
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