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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. How many games are developed for it? Just wait. Are you willing to make a bet PS5 has load times?
  2. Tell me, what sold more? iPhone 11.. out for 3 weeks, or the Note and GS10 sales combined? The butt hurt spilled into this thread
  3. Talking about being slow when you still use SMS. Oh my god I own a premium phone and Apple is in the premium market. Samsung just isn’t. Lol
  4. As you continue to make posts. You literally can’t stay out.
  5. Oh buddy, you took the bait. You have the most posts ITT. -30% in sales and STILL the top selling phone in the world by a 30:1 margin? Again, thanks for the props bro.
  6. The average PC. Lol. If you care about these shit games why would you not go all out and play them on the platform they were built on?
  7. You mean, the highest selling phone in the world? Damn you’re giving me credit.
  8. Another post in a thread you don’t care about. seems you’re sucked in
  9. LMAO no one said that? I’ll bump 100 threads saying it. and sure it does, with graphics significantly worse than the PC versions and worse frame rates.
  10. The SSD will be our of date and it won’t have the ram needed to process quickly enough. watch this is what happens when PC is the lead
  11. It’s literally the same shit with you guys every 4-5 years. Buy into the hype and are ultimately disappointed. there weren’t supposed to be anything less than 1080p and 60fps this gen too, rememberer? LOL... then nothing less than 4K when X1X was announced... welp
  12. It will also be outdated within 1-2 years. And that’s where the loading and 30fps comes into play.
  13. That’s funny. AI on most X1 games is identical to Xbox OG games. Can’t wait to bump this, LOL
  14. Also, load times have nothing to do with gameplay. In open worlds, games don’t have to load or visible stop gameplay to do so. What does this matter? We get bigger games.... that play identical to previous games. GTA6 with a world 2x the size is still GTA5, just with a bigger world. It was already big enough. Focus more on creating memorable content in the existing worlds.
  15. If PC has load times in 2019, why would you think your next gen consoles wouldn’t? LMAO
  16. Nice subject change, too bad jerry already said the note 10 sucks. 47% of premium market share.. WOW, lol hard to ignore. Does Samsung have any reason to make more notes or high end galaxys? I don’t think so... hell...there won’t even be a note 11
  17. 47% of market share. MS doesn’t have any premium hardware, nor do they have 47% of the market share. woild you like me to post articles stating how buggy android is? At least I get updates...LMAO
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