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Starfield targeting 4K 30fps on Xbox Series L (TLHBFR)

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:mj: No wonder it was a slideshow at the Xbox conference yesterday.



So much for 12 TeaBags of power in the Series L, that they couldn't get an ugly game like this to hit 60fps :kaz:




They better have a performance mode on Xbox or else lems will be jumping off bridges with this one.



Thank goodness for PC, modders will fix the graphics of this ugly ass game and we'll also get unlocked framerates. :cruise: I can't imagine playing this dogshit looking game at 30fps like a lem.


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so that gameplay demo was on the PC, because some parts did run at 60fps, but when any  action starts up, it starts chugging down to 30fps. or maybe even lower.


so, its obvious the 4chan rumor from way back, like 2018, was correct. They couldn't get real-time transitioning from getting into the space ship and leaving the planet and going into space done with the janky game engine they've been using.


Its obvious the screen goes to black, and then it load a "space" area. I'll give them some credit, they finally were able to have buildings that you can walk into their interiors in real-time, without loading the interior level.


but the other question I have is: what is the gameplay of the space ship levels? are they just shooting levels?


i saw a brief clip in which a ship appeared to connect to another space craft and it said "docking complete", but does that mean you can switch to first-person and walk into another space craft? Maybe raid and kill people in there and take some valuable stuff?


It looks like Colony Wars, but even more simplistic. Like it would be cool if you had limited weapons and ammo, and it would be submarine warfare where you need to launch a missile and you need to be careful about aiming accurately to get a major hit. Or if your ship gets damaged enough, you LOSE functions of certain systems, and you have to decide to keep fight or retreat. Or your cannons don't work, or your radio is out and you can't call backup, or your thrusters are disabled, and you can't move.


And if you destroy a ship, then you can exit your ship and space walk to the destroyed ship to loot whatever is salvageable? To make the space combat worth it.  There may be merchant ships or private ships, and it effectively create a gameplay structure that allows you to become a space pirate.


Highly doubt they have such gameplay ideas planned, but I'd love to be proven wrong. It just looks like simple space shooting levels.


Lastly, the visual look. They're trying to be cinematic, but this just looks like saturated colors and it looks like they were clearly copying Chris Nolan's Interstellar and their foreign planets.


No Man's Sky may look cartoonish, but at least they are accurate to show that the skies in different planets would be different colors, due to the composition of the gases in the planet. But not in this game, they almost all have saturated white and blue skies, and hard shadows.


Also, Todd Howard says "you can go anywhere on a planet" and that's got me thinking if they just going to randomize levels with the same art assets, and just place random enemies and low-value loot drops. On the video footage, there was a "Press B to Scan" button when looking at a planet, and it appears that it would create specific point of interest for you to drop your ship to. Sorta like the Mass Effect games.


But seriously, this just looks like a Fallout 5 with them copying stuff from The Outer Worlds.

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25 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Its obvious the screen goes to black, and then it load a "space" area. I'll give them some credit, they finally were able to have buildings that you can walk into their interiors in real-time, without loading the interior level.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance already did that. You can even watch NPCs do their things while looking up the windows, no details are lost. 


It's hardly some mind blowing thing considering all the insanely detailed open world we have these days. It's just a question of where and when assets are actually being rendered. 

Edited by Ramza
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