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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea you do... because you don't have either right now.
  2. Yea, he did. And you got so mad that I called it out SO mad
  3. This is the type of shit that makes me not give you any benefit of the doubt and treat you like the others.... Jehurey said Horizon ZD wasn't coming to PC... and DynamiteCop agreeing with me that it was coming was one of his "reasons" why it wasn't going to happen And no shit this is systemwars shit... but... I'm not a lemming... only the Lemij butthurt brigade push so hard to believe that
  4. No.. it definitely was stupid. Because he thought this was running on a Series X... and you're trying to say that he didn't know it was running on a PC but he knew that Series X dev kits were having issues? You got so triggered because I called him out for his stupid statement. Literally losing your shit ITT because you're so fragile
  5. bubu lemmij lemmij lemmij What the fuck are you talking about "he disagrees with me?" I called out a specific statement he made in summary of the video he was critiquing.... It has NOTHING to do with the hardware.... and he should KNOW that. It was a stupid comment... and you LOST YOUR SHIT cause he's your BFF that got you through school
  6. You're the one that literally thinks ganging up on me and calling me Lemij is cool. Highschool shit... Act like idiots and I treat you like idiots. Not a hard concept dude... You jumped on the bandwagon willingly
  7. And all you can do is call me an Xbox kid and Lemij... Basically lame ass shit.. because you're butthurt
  8. Game looks damn good visually. Looks more fun than Spider-man.
  9. Just because it's a reaction vid doesn't mean he's not giving his insight..... I mean... that's why you idiots watch him... isn't it? He made a stupid statement... and I called him out. You fags lost your shit... as usual.
  10. It was known right after the conference lmao... and did I make a reaction video potentially blaming it looking like that on the hardware after it was already well known?
  11. him considering that it was due to the hardware.... yea... definitely a STUPID thing to say, and deserved to be called out. You're getting awful triggered by the fact that I did it.
  12. It wasn't running on a dev kit.. The "Xbox hardware"... is completely irrelevant at this point... Cherno thought it was running on the console... but it wasn't... and he should have known that.
  13. I said his stupid look gave that impression... not the single word
  14. It wasn't running on Series X.... Cherno should know that if he's going to comment on "maybe it's the hardware"
  15. No, I didn't take a single word to mean that he thinks PS5 was stronger... I took it to mean that it was a stupid comment meant to invoke controversy...for views. The guy doesn't even know what platform the trailers are running on... he can't deduce shit at all... he speaks like an armchair amateur... which he's doing because his new found viewer base gets off on stupid shit like that. What other developers do you see out there critiquing and reacting to shit like this
  16. I could have sworn your profession was DOTA2... lmfao. Sure, I'll ask you something. Refer me to any single technical detail he speaks about in that video where he doesn't sound like an armchair internet developer.
  17. And you're watching Cherno vids stating completely stupid shit? Hilarious
  18. You don't seem to understand... lol big surprise there.... The guy doesn't even know what platform the videos he's critiquing are running on.... so that makes him EVEN LESS able to comment on .... the hardware I never said the guy hates Xbox or anything... rofl that's your butthurt complex showing
  19. Keep pretending like you're a programmer cause you watch a Cherno vid
  20. Sure... because in the video he compares it to Ratchet and Clank.... and lmao what other reason would he say that for? If it's an issue with the hardware, he's suggesting that it's perhaps not as powerful as reported... You're another one who has a Lemij complex... you write everything I say off because you're butthurt about me... despite the fact that I don't even game on Xbox EVER
  21. He also thought Flight Sim was running on Xbox...... The guy doesn't even know what he's looking at half the time
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