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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I would gladly take either of the two. My 11 pro Max was free. Both offer superior experiences than anything android has ever produced, especially Samsung. when Jerry’s DC is “you’ve had a better phone than me for over two years” you know it’s going Well. LOL
  2. And both smoke that Gs10 id rather have a iPhone FOUR than your phone, lmao sms lmao hows that snapchat update comin? Or IG? Lmaooo any third party app using your camera is busted
  3. Huawei can’t even stream in HD. They may have the best Audio, tho. And that’s Android in a nutshell, you need 40 phones to match the features of the iPhone. LOL. Thanks for taking the bait exactly as I wanted you both to. now Samsung is even MORE trash.. LOL
  4. Both are better than Samsung has EVER made, lol. Thanks for proving my point. id rather have a iPhone 5 than your phone LMAO
  5. Literally all three smoke youre device. And you can’t even get the Huawei, which is good, because that would hurt Samsung even more.
  6. I agree, idk if it’s just a mental thing as I hear they’re all mixed anyhow these days. But sativa man I can take over the world smoking quality.
  7. Why is X1X not 4K 60fps minimum like they claimed
  8. Are you fucking kidding me? they claim they’ll do this by “predicting user inputs” ... L-M-F-A-O Read more of this Fuckery: https://www.pcgamesn.com/stadia/negative-latency-prediction?fbclid=IwAR1xWXvjUWCd45skllij8Mrnfq-qSBjBUSI1NWk4HYtNZL_XvBAmzn2ehPg
  9. Imagine the download times anyone outside of major cities will spend 6 days downloading games
  10. Why these kids think differently is insane. It’s the same shit...every gen. They fall into the same traps. Lmao
  11. the loop...ah, Jerry’s last and final attempt. not gonna work, we already agreed. Samsung is trash and Apple is Luxury. Nothing else to discuss on this topic.
  12. Oh that’s funny, maybe I should bump my thread from a whole DAY ago ”I told you so”
  13. Sure do. Lmao. You’ll be smoking it as soon as cops can.
  14. Sorry, not interested in your new argument. Like YOU said, Apple is luxury, Samsung is trash. We both are on the same page. Any further attempts at damage control or subject changing will simply be proof you’re getting mad. If you would like to discuss a new subject, we can. Do you think Dxomark is to be trusted? They Pre-released a review on the Huewai phone before it was even released and have yet to have an iPhone 11 review, despite saying they are testing it on launch. seems to me SAMSUNGs big rival is paying publications off, considering it got the highest sc
  15. Samsung devices have 21 CRITICAL vulnerabilities...YIKES! 21 critical issues found, 4 from android.... SEVENTEEN from Samdungs UI... lmfao enjoy @Goukosan I’d tel jerry but I don’t think the note 7 is impacted the best part is the 40 million...LMAO, that’s the COMBINED sales of those devices... all “high end”... ALL already outsold by the iPhone 11 probably!
  16. Looks like you don’t disagree that Samsung dominates the low end, super budget phones... while Apple is the luxury brand, dominating the high end market. nothing left to talk about. GG
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