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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Celebrated that humans get to decide what to do with their own body, yea. Good for us all.
  2. I cheered too. Does that mean I am excited when someone has an abortion?
  3. Who is celebrating actual abortions? What women has an abortion party?
  4. No woman goes out to have 5-6 abortions. Lol. Abortions aren’t fun? Obviously if they have one their intent was not to get pregnant. Some women are extremely fertile. Some times birth control doesn’t work due to a billion different factors. Maybe the condom breaks and the guy never says anything. There are literally thousands of scenarios where a woman could get pregnant without any prior knowledge or desire. They absolutely have the right to make the decision on if they want to have it.
  5. What about if a man wants the woman to have one?
  6. Who is celebrating abortion? maybe the right to have it, but what women actually celebrate the process of having one?
  7. I never thought I’d see the day where McBroke and I took down some alt righterz
  8. Can you name any surgeries that are legal for non-doctors to do?
  9. its legal when a doctor does it because it’s not exactly easy to do. I can’t perform a heart transplant legally either you retard
  10. I am very much a person of dont fuck with people if it causes you no harm. A random mother deciding it is best for her to abort her baby has no impact on you. I dont even care what people do with their pets. People could go around shooting their own dogs, that’s great and dandy, don’t touch mine. Why the fuck do you guys care what others do with their bodies/lives if it impacts you none? Just bizarre. And democrats, this can be applied to you as well. Why the fuck do you care if bill gates is a billionaire and your poor? How does that make your life worse
  11. It is murder. You directly caused the death of an unborn baby against the will of the mother. The only peeson authorized by law to do that is the mother herself.
  12. It’s about responsibility though, right? You mean a father can be lazy and irresponsible, but not the woman? Cant have it both ways. That makes you a HYPOCRITE.
  13. Deno should be charged for murder every time he jacked off
  14. I’m for abortion being illegal if deno says men are required to pay child support/raise the baby unless they want to be charged with attempted murder lmfao.
  15. So why did you tell me that men who don’t pay child support aren’t attempting to murder the child? If a woman has to have give birth, men should be required to raise it legally. If you avoid child support, it should be attempted murder just like you want an abortion to be see how ridiculous those two things both are?
  16. Women have no rights I’m assuming ? And are just sex objects? even tho he’s advocating they stop having sex with us lol
  17. The only reality is you’re trying to tell someone else what to do with their body despite backing away from any responsibility yourself just odd bro, but u do u.
  18. It’s also the choice of the man to impregnate her. So if you want women responsible, you better be doing everything they’re doing in the pregnancy. You better not smoke or drink. Otherwise you’re being a huge hypocrite and don’t actually value the human life at all, you’re simply saying “not my problem” despite trying to take ownership of the problem
  19. A woman will never be the same after getting pregnant and having a child. Won’t be normal after an abortion either, but it’s (should) be there choice. Its just all sorts of fucked up to say it’s not even an option for a woman imo
  20. Exactly. I’d never tell a woman she had to have an abortion or a baby. That’s her choice as a person
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