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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Bro idgaf about the argument. You’re a fucking loser who lives at home lmfao. This is probably the biggest “win” of your life. LMAO FUCKING LOSER
  2. Keep watching me destroy your fucking esteem one post at a time. I’ll gladly keep doing it you fucking parasite lmfao
  3. Remember why? Make that bet bet kiddo, but wait, lol you won’t
  4. You’re not making enough money to support yourself again this is still pathetic
  5. You said legally your employer has to pay you if you deny health insurance through them anyone wanna back jerry up on that one? LMFAO.. prove where I said $0 deductible. It was $500 you retard you are a fucking LOSER WHO LIVES WITH HIS FAMILY IN HIS 40s. DONT TELL ME SHIT LOSER
  6. I have nothing to be angry about, how does it feel to be the only one still living w family though lolol
  7. I wouldn’t tell people what they do and don’t deserve Like your pathetic loser ass does
  8. I guess that means I think black peoples that make over 10m should be taxed and not whites, go fuck yourself. You’re disgusting @Boss
  9. LMFAO. Bc people should get what they work for means I’m fucking alt right and a white supermacist. What a name you have on here lmfao
  10. This whole thread just reeks of fucking jealousy, a female trait, get well parasites
  11. Then why aren’t you donating it? Immoral cunt you claiming you didn’t have a tranny friend a few years ago? You know search exists you retard. You used to cry bc people called her names, like a fucking name matters.
  12. This is an example of someone too stupid to know why they’re poor go fuck your tranny friend
  13. If you inherited a billion you’d be dead broke by now. Because you’re a fucking loser. Just know that lil tay is worth more than you bc she deserves to, loser
  14. See losers like Jerry, vini, and the parasite gang blame others for them not being rich and think it’s not unfair you fucking losers should be thinking why not me? Figure it out from there to be come rich you need to only do two things find a problem fix it indtead you complain ceos make more money bc you’re fucking losers, anyone can be a ceo, anyone can be rich, but you’re not gonna get rich by begging others to pay more fucking losers, I swear lmfao
  15. So everyone rich inherited it? That’s what you think! LMAO Proved me right loser
  16. I can’t help myself but to make fun of losers like you .. you’re right LMAO
  17. Why aren’t you rich? Stfu and answer the question or prove me right by saying you don’t know because you’re fuxking stupid
  18. How does anyone else’s income effect yours vini?
  19. LOL if there’s enough billionaires there can ALWAYS be more WHAT IS STOPPING YOU VINI? How many times do I need to ask?
  20. What does someone having a billion dollars do to you? Does it mean you can’t earn more? WHAT IS STOPPING YOU???????
  21. Not one of you could answer why you’re poor parasites proof in the pudding, cunts
  22. Go back to hiding or explain why you’re NOT rich you fucking LOSER
  23. Why does no one deserve to be a billionaire? What gives you the fucking right to say that? It’s perspective you fucking moron, ask someone with nothing and 100k is insanely rich. Does that mean someone with 100k in their bank has an easily life? Why the fuck do you claim to be all knowing and know what. Someone deserves and what they don’t? ”I’m not taking anything away” CUNT THATS EXACTLY WHAT YOURE TRYING TO DO
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