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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. I already knew where you were going with it. Just thought I'd stroke your ego before you find out that PlayStation 4 won Sept. NPD and is still up worldwide for the year over the Switch 5 years in.
  2. The funny thing is that this is the real problem, but people wanted to point the finger at the biggest gaming platform to ever exist. Nevermind putting a paywall behind free-to-play, voice chat, streaming, game DVR, etc. Microsoft is dumb and arrogant. They're behind the curve.
  3. What are you talking about? Did you even read the article?
  4. Mmhmm. Your barren online community just got bigger by 10 fold. I believe a "Thank you, based Sony" is in order.
  5. I'll see you in Fortnite. Oh wait, you don't even care about this game. So why you are so perturbed by Sony taking this opportunity to enhance Nintendo's Fortnite playerbase?
  6. Which I've admitted they were bluffing the whole time. It's in the leaked doc.
  7. More specifically, been pushing PlayStation console sales. Why do you think Sony was the first one to get a bundle? Cross-play is just icing on the opportunity cake.
  8. You know it's true. 80+ million MAUs. That's correct metric, right? The one that Microsoft uses to spin for their money pit, Xbox.
  9. I don't have to spin anything. Sony put a sock in your mouth.
  10. You have to remember that Sony doesn't play these fanboy games. They knew it was an opportunity to enrich the player's gaming experience, retain their users and grow the biggest online platform. But not only that they will be injecting the largest console Fortnite player base into the smallest player bases in gaming. You should be thanking Sony. Based Sony
  11. Sony is the smartest player in the game and the leaked documentation shows they were bluffing the whole time. Glad they took this opportunity to shut down the competition's marketing point, again.
  12. Don't know what cows you're referring to, but I never had any doubts Sony wouldn't implement this feature. I always argued that it wasn't a significant feature for me personally and provided evidence that most gamers don't care or are oblivious to its existence. Sony didn't cave, they saw an opportunity to retain and grow the biggest gaming userbase and online platform consoles have ever seen.
  13. If anything, Nintendo got out-alpha'd and man handled by PSN. It's so bad most of their policies seem to be based around PSN. 6 month storage after lapsing, free games with subscription, F2P not requiring a subscription, etc.
  14. I see. I haven't really followed it, just saw someone point it out at RetardEra. I personally will probably never change my name. I've been "lynux3" for decades. I'll take it with a grain of salt just like homeboy (Matt) that used to work for Ubisoft leaking that Sony has been planning to launch PS5 in 2019 the whole time.
  15. This leaked report from June so far has been spot on. If the streak continue name changing will be an option and announced during PlayStation Experience 2018. https://thelootgaming.com/exclusive-sony-planning-on-introducing-cross-play-name-changes-and-ps-now-downloads-this-fiscal-year/
  16. I'd say that has almost if not completely diminished this generation. Both platforms offer a competitive landscape of players these days.
  17. How is it sparse when it's the biggest platform? The only sparse thing is first party FPS titles on PlayStation. More people play FPS on PlayStation than any other platform. I get what you're saying, but it would be extremely difficult to even measure this.
  18. https://fortnitetracker.com/leaderboards/psn/KPG?mode=p2 https://fortnitetracker.com/leaderboards/xbox/KPG?mode=p9 lmfao, PlayStation players absolutely murder the Xtards in this game.
  19. I like how the RetardEra kids think they got some kind of win out of this. "We did it gaiz ". That place is a goddamn cesspool of dipshits.
  20. That's fine. The content can stay exclusive and still be tied to that user's account. Only people who were rewarded that content on PS4 can bring it over via cross-progression, so you'd have to play it on PS4 in order to obtain it or wait.
  21. Let's be real. The real story here is cross-progression which needs to happen with all of the types of games, more specifically, Destiny 2.
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