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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -SK4-

  1. The demon domains? There's about a dozen of them in the game.
  2. Lol I don't even know where I put mine, still gotta finish dat TitS
  3. I wouldn't recommend Nocturne for a first timer at all, too many design choices in the game are outdated today that will just piss you off completely. But the atmosphere in that game is much better then SMT4's.
  4. The music owns so hard Though not as metal heavy as nocturne it's still fucking bad ass.
  5. Yeah I thought I was reaching the end too but wow this game just surprised me, I'm about 35 hours in and that's just mid game.
  6. Yeah. I'm not sure if it was by my choices or that it happens regardless.
  7. You just gotta keep exploiting their weaknesses. I hope you're not dumping your stats into STR either. Also once you get the tetrakarn spell the game turns into easy mode lol I'm raping niggas 10-20 levels higher then me
  8. Hm didn't realize the games only 40 hrs long, doesn't feel like I'm nearing the end either, if so it's kind of underwhelming
  9. RH is fucking awesome ~30 hours into SMT4, what the shit is going on just can't put this game down
  10. TO PSP Saw the sun rise outside my windows for a few days with that game.
  11. I recommend playing on easy until you reach the tower. Also you'll have a lot of demons in your stock so you can carry like 2 or 3 healers and use them before heading to a boss, you'll also have a lot of money to buy MP recovering items and have an ability to absorb MP from demons too. There's also an App that lets you recover MP and HP while you're running around. But the backtracking isn't too bad after defeating a boss, most take place right beside a town. The first 10 or so hours are the most difficult, but it gets easier once you have a decent team built up and you get more powerful abil
  12. No they'll just randomly attack or support you depending on who's still with you. Your teams consists of you + 3 demons. ahhh ok. do you feel your team's ai is unfair?No, they're pretty useful (mostly Isabeau) when I'm about to get raped by a boss. You control the demons manually.
  13. No they'll just randomly attack or support you depending on who's still with you. Your teams consists of you + 3 demons.
  14. Lmao one of the characters called the female party member a slut and he'll throw her into a whorehouse because it turns him on, combined with the old school english responses from her
  15. About ~20 hours in SMT4 so far, shits getting real.
  16. Yeah but you're so weak in the beginning you can die any minute.
  17. I suggest playing on Easy until you reach Tokyo, you'll probably hate it 10 minutes in.
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