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The Notorious TPH

System Warrior
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Posts posted by The Notorious TPH

  1. I walk a lot instead of taking the subway in the city, and when Im in florida, I ride a bike instead of driving a car. And I keep track of my calorie intake, that's it.

    Walk and count calories. Wow. You're right. No one else is qualified to give such comprehensive of unheard of advice.

    lmfao seriously. This kid is so dumb but thinks he's some kind of genius.

    the fact that I can stay on track is what makes me a genius. Anyone in front of a computer can give advice, only a few can say they are proof of what they preach.

    I've lost almost 10 pounds in the past month and gained muscle. :]
  2. Funny thing is I really didn't even give that much of a fuck about comic con, I actually wanted to go to this thing in DUMBO. They had an art gallery, a couple film screenings, a performance Nosaj thing and a couple other artists like florence and the machine, and a DJ set from Justice but I couldn't get an RSVP, so I went to comic con instead. I didn't even buy a pass a friend of a friend just made a bootleg one for me. But how does any of that change the fact that I had a good time? lol.

  3. zoreo thinks comic con is just about comics :tom:

    its not just about comics but comics are its main subject. Going there when you're the least interested in comics is like going to E3 when you don't even play or read about video games. i.e. a POSER. kid proves my point, and you're still defending him, this espanol nigga :Jeff:

    Maybe I cared more about the video games like Prototype 2 they had playable for the first time? Or Four Swords which was pretty disappointing? Maybe I just wanted to check out all the cosplay and get free swag and pick up some stuff?

    Or maybe I just wanted to hang with my friends and be somewhere other than systemwars on a weekend. But you wouldn't be able to relate huh.

  4. You calling me a nerd for going to comic con = me trying to be a nerd to fit in?

    when have you ever cared about comics? you barely even play video games yet you're here. You're a huge poser nigga :D "hai gaiz I go to comicon even though i wouldn't have if it wasn't popular, am I cool gaiz, do I fit in noaw :lemming: "

    o tell me dear fellow comic book reader, what are your favorite comics? who are your favorite contemporary comic artists? go ahead and start googling :D

    When did I ever claim to read comics? lol you try so hard and just fail even harder.
  5. We should stop being our self cause other people are copying us ;(

    i will stop playing games, visiting forums, and using gadgets. thanks for the breakdown, zwarrior.

    What? I didn't say stop being yourselves, I said "being a geek/nerd is cool these days" is not something you would want to be proud of. Because the "cool" factor of it is a sarcastic/poser fad. As DT, my personal stenographer, mentioned, I used to go to comicon, I didn't stop because "they are copying me", I stopped because they took over. The obvious difference between a poser and an actual nerd is the poser doesn't know shit, he just wants to mimic the image in a shallow way, and when literally 9 out of the 10 people you run into are all posers who don't know what they're doing here other than wanting to be part of the culture in a shallow on-the-surface way because every other one rejected them, they can keep that nerd title, because people who call themselves nerds proudly are usually the poserfags anyway. real "nerds" don't give a shit.

    You calling me a nerd for going to comic con = me trying to be a nerd to fit in?

    Holy shit you are one stupid motherfucker.

  6. "Dope shit"? look at this nigga here trying to sound cool after admitting to go to a nerdfest :tom: If there were any hot girls there, rest assured they were getting payed :D

    Whatever helps you sleep at night bro.

    I laugh myself to sleep all the time thanking of all the butthurt people I've owned :D

    "Dope shit"? look at this nigga here trying to sound cool after admitting to go to a nerdfest :tom: If there were any hot girls there, rest assured they were getting payed :D

    haven't you posted pics of yourself at some nintendo event?

    nintendo =/= nerdicon

    Comic Con- A place where people who like comics, movies, video games, tv shows, anime, or sci fi go. (i.e. a lot of fucking people)

    Nintendo events- People who want to blow Miyamoto (i.e. faggot fanboys)

  7. It was fun. One of my friends had a pretty good Alex Mercer cosplay so we constantly had to stop to take pictures. (None of which I can find otherwise I'd post it) Another one of my friends had a free hugs and kisses sign and made out with a few girls I'm certain are under aged. I on the other hand had a free punches sign and went around punching people. I few smartasses were like "can I punch you?" and I would just reply "I dare you" or "Sure, but I'm still going to hit you" and they would just back off. And of course there were a bunch of fine ass bitches in cosplay. Dope shit.

  8. Using A-Rod to represent Dominicans is like black people using Waka Flocka as their spokesman. Fuck outta here :will:

    I LOL'D !

    Me too and I didn't even totally understand it. A-rod, Waka Flocka?

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    She want somebody to explain the joke to her, no post pics of them.

    You want somebody to explain english to you.

    Dude, I didn't double check my typing. Was watching a movie and playing psp at the time I was writing that post. :ben:

    I see you broke out the spanish english dictionary for this one.
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