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Heroic Patriot Angels helped honor the Lincoln Memorial yesterday.

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  • Mr. Impossible changed the title to Heroic Patriot Angels helped honor the Lincoln Memorial yesterday.
2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

I like how you constantly ridiculue Dailymail and Foxnews for leaning to the right but then post shit from people with this as their twitter profile





I dont follow or  get my news from this person, nor is this a news article. This was trending on Twitter and I grabbed the most arresting visual posted. It's a picture taken at an event juxtaposed against legacy conservative movements against progress. I've never seen a tweet from this person before and will likely never see another. Like do I even need to address the fact that you're acting like Fox News isn't the least reliable news source and pretty much EVERYONE acknowledges this. There has never been an actual intelligent or honest defense of Fox News in his entire history.


Like what level of copium do you people need? Daily Mail I get, it's for stupid people who think they are smart, but Fox is for stupid people who know they are stupid. and just want to hear that they are right and everyone else is wrong. 




This is nearly 20 years ago and she drags and reds Fox News into the ground. We also have the benefit of hindsight and she was nearly right on every point and they were wrong. She even called them out for working with a Republican President to basically be his unofficial state news...hmmmm Sounds quite like what happened with the next Republican President we had to a T. Like remember when you thought Trump ended the drone program because all the right wing news you watch never discussed it? Like doesn't that embarrass you a little? Unless you're saying that a comedian/actress is more informed than an entire 24 hour news network. Which still doesn't paint a favorable look for Fox. 


Fox is packaged so angry white people with misplaced beefs can find a collective boogeyman that's ruining their lives. It's an opiant for aggrieved idiots because everywhere else is willing to attempt performative center leaning but ultimately capitalism serving news.  Enjoy being comfortably numb and blaming "The Left" for everything. 

It's also funny that is your only response. If this was the same thing about ANTIFA doing the same thing you would post some of your impotent rage about it. 

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:


All the stuff you guys whine about in here. Preserving western values, shutting down the woke libs, "equality" not "equity", destroying "antiwhite" culture.  I'm sure they have all the same gripes you guys have. 

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1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:

All the stuff you guys whine about in here. Preserving western values, shutting down the woke libs, "equality" not "equity", destroying "antiwhite" culture.  I'm sure they have all the same gripes you guys have. 

Yeah western democratic values are pretty damn good when you compare it to anything else. I'd like to keep it. How about you? And take your equity and shove it up your ass. Equality is the only true fair way to have a non racist society. 

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4 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Yeah western democratic values are pretty damn good when you compare it to anything else. I'd like to keep it. How about you? And take your equity and shove it up your ass. Equality is the only true fair way to have a non racist society. 

I put those in quotes in some vain attempt you would realize that I meant it as an intellectually dishonest dodge disguised as a righteous objection of racism. It's like saying "I'm for not killing!" as an answer to combating murder. It's a flaccid do-nothing  response, usually reserved for the people who the existing problem far less than others. Some people would call that privilege.  Racism will still exist outside of a declaration of "equality". 


Like do you ever bring what you to you think to some sort of conclusion? This is how a child thinks. 

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Lmao another fake rally 🤣



Read the whole thread, it's hilarious. Fake accounts popping up with fake photos telling journalists to go check out this fake  rally full of people wearing costumes 


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11 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I put those in quotes in some vain attempt you would realize that I meant it as an intellectually dishonest dodge disguised as a righteous objection of racism. It's like saying "I'm for not killing!" as an answer to combating murder. It's a flaccid do-nothing  response, usually reserved for the people who the existing problem far less than others. Some people would call that privilege.  Racism will still exist outside of a declaration of "equality". 


Like do you ever bring what you to you think to some sort of conclusion? This is how a child thinks. 

How can you have racism if no one is a racist? 


You treat different races differently for the benefit of some and not others. You want to end racism by acting in a racist fashion. 

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28 minutes ago, Cooke said:

How can you have racism if no one is a racist? 


You treat different races differently for the benefit of some and not others. You want to end racism by acting in a racist fashion. 

How can you have equality if racism exist, simply based on taking people at their word? How many racist people are like "yeah, I'm racist." The reality is you dont think you're a racist. So how can you actually be in any position to decide what is equality? Like you dont actually have an answer, just a platitude. One that isn't born from actually wanting equality but wanting to see what you consider disadvantages removed. Basically your perception of racism is from the side of the poor white man that's getting the short end of the stick. Which is fucking absurd. White men are living their best lives. This is just propaganda sold to people like you and Twinblade who need any kind of flimsy logic to defend your beliefs based entirely on your ignorance. 

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Oh, @Twinblade


Remember when Tucker Carlson, Rudy Guiliani, Alex Jones, and that crazy Trump attorney all had to admit in court they lie and make shit up? Carlson doubling down and stating on camera with Ben Shapiro that he will make something up when he's cornered to save face? And you can't pull these people out as outliers as what they lie about are the platforms that the right are currently built upon? You can cross of Jones as he goes into fringe territory but Carlson, Guiliani and whatshername have gone full bore into topics that have real world consequences. None that impact the people who actually follow Fox News and believe their shit. Because their lies are built to make them happy. 

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11 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Oh, @Twinblade


Remember when Tucker Carlson, Rudy Guiliani, Alex Jones, and that crazy Trump attorney all had to admit in court they lie and make shit up? Carlson doubling down and stating on camera with Ben Shapiro that he will make something up when he's cornered to save face? And you can't pull these people out as outliers as what they lie about are the platforms that the right are currently built upon? You can cross of Jones as he goes into fringe territory but Carlson, Guiliani and whatshername have gone full bore into topics that have real world consequences. None that impact the people who actually follow Fox News and believe their shit. Because their lies are built to make them happy. 


I don't even follow them, but Tucker Carlson does makes some good points sometimes. I don't understand why people are so triggered by him, hes basically the right leaning version of Don Lemon or Brian Stelter.


Both unlike those 2, Tucker's shows aren't hemorrhaging viewers. His views and opinions clearly resonate with more Americans than many of the left wing goons on CNN and MSNBC.

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:


I don't even follow them, but Tucker Carlson does makes some good points sometimes. I don't understand why people are so triggered by him, hes basically the right leaning version of Don Lemon or Brian Stelter.


Both unlike those 2, Tucker's shows aren't hemorrhaging viewers. His views and opinions clearly resonate with more Americans than many of the left wing goons on CNN and MSNBC.

So basically reality plays no part in your world view. Like a guy who openly admits he isn't credible, but you still say he makes some good points some times. Based on what exactly if he himself claims he's not a credible source...you? That's the grift. They can tell you guys exactly what you want to hear even though you dont know any better and they make money off of it.  Carlson isn't a kid. He wasn't relevant until he was 50 and since Bill O'Reilly got fired, he stepped in and basically scared old white people into ratings gold.


You talk about their viewers, and in the clip from fucking 20 years ago they use ratings as some sort of defense. This is like McDonald's using food sales to claim they're a great restaurant. Nearly every single thread in this forum is ignorant. From stupid things like claiming California is legalizing shoplifting because of the left, when in reality it's a nationwide policy for a lot of big retailers like Walmart or Target since potential cost from a legal sense, not to mention public safety for shit you can carry out of a giant discount store. 


Of course that sounds way too logical and more of a big business decision, so let's just whine and claim it's because of liberals so poor people can steal shoes. And that's nearly every kind of point you make, which is why you get destroyed in any sort of debate over these things. Like are you so blind you dont see it?  Ratings is also pretty pathetic to use since Fox skews way past the boomers in viewership age. Basically the people most likely to digest shitty news all day. 

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Odd how not a single one of them is overweight. Being a group of redneck white slobs you'd think you would see at least one.. but they are probably fresh off the Quantico training grounds.



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19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

So basically reality plays no part in your world view. Like a guy who openly admits he isn't credible, but you still say he makes some good points some times. Based on what exactly if he himself claims he's not a credible source...you? That's the grift. They can tell you guys exactly what you want to hear even though you dont know any better and they make money off of it.  Carlson isn't a kid. He wasn't relevant until he was 50 and since Bill O'Reilly got fired, he stepped in and basically scared old white people into ratings gold.


You talk about their viewers, and in the clip from fucking 20 years ago they use ratings as some sort of defense. This is like McDonald's using food sales to claim they're a great restaurant. Nearly every single thread in this forum is ignorant. From stupid things like claiming California is legalizing shoplifting because of the left, when in reality it's a nationwide policy for a lot of big retailers like Walmart or Target since potential cost from a legal sense, not to mention public safety for shit you can carry out of a giant discount store. 


Of course that sounds way too logical and more of a big business decision, so let's just whine and claim it's because of liberals so poor people can steal shoes. And that's nearly every kind of point you make, which is why you get destroyed in any sort of debate over these things. Like are you so blind you dont see it?  Ratings is also pretty pathetic to use since Fox skews way past the boomers in viewership age. Basically the people most likely to digest shitty news all day. 


You're basically defending rampant looting. Businesses are closing left and right yet somehow its ok for coordinated groups of people to just walk into stores and steal thousands of dollars in merchandise (or even millions in some cases Bay Area Cannabis Mayhem: 175 Shots Fired, Products Worth Millions Stolen - Cannabis Dispensary (cannabisdispensarymag.com)? Without any consequences? You talk about people being scared, but the scariest aspect is how you're normalizing crime and brushing it off as nothing to worry about. Carlson merely re-phrases what the average American is thinking. On the other hand the progressive left's embracing of crime is proving to be their downfall.

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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:


You're basically defending rampant looting. Businesses are closing left and right yet somehow its ok for coordinated groups of people to just walk into stores and steal thousands of dollars in merchandise (or even millions in some cases Bay Area Cannabis Mayhem: 175 Shots Fired, Products Worth Millions Stolen - Cannabis Dispensary (cannabisdispensarymag.com)? Without any consequences? You talk about people being scared, but the scariest aspect is how you're normalizing crime and brushing it off as nothing to worry about. Carlson merely re-phrases what the average American is thinking. On the other hand the progressive left's embracing of crime is proving to be their downfall.

lol Rampant looting. You talk like a fucking boomer. I never defended or bashed anything. I simply added some facts and context to your grandma karen pearl clutching. You stated it as a liberal state legalizing shoplifting and in reality it's a nation wide policy among many large scale retailers. It's not some phantom law ANTIFA forced "liberal" law makers to write. Even then, it's within a lower amount of money. Again, if someone steals a pair of $100 shoes, is it worth an employee risking bodily harm to recover them? Capitalism says no. Allow me to act all TwinKaren:  "DO YOU WANT PEOPLE MAKING MINIMUM WAGE TO RISK THEIR LIVES TO SAVE FOOTLOCKER $50?"


This isn't some benevolent act, it's to shield companies from liability so they dont have to waste time in court denying compensation to an employee who might have some medical bills or lost work time if they got hurt trying to stop a shoplifter over a couple of pairs of pants. Even something like creating a disturbance during shopping hours can wind up damaging store product or if cops get involved the store might have to stop operations shortly from a police investigation. Years ago I used to work in an office next to a Sephora. I dont know the exact details but when I left for lunch two security people were physically restraining  a shoplifter. On my return nearly 45 minutes later the store was still closed and cops were talking to the suspect and the workers. I dont know the financials but I'm sure that Sephora in SOHO makes a shit ton of money midday in Spring. Whatever that person stole couldn't have possibly cost a fraction of the sales they missed out on. Funny how a process designed to save rich people money and responsibility makes you hate poor people. 


This isn't "normalizing" anything. This is you getting bent out of shape that people you dont like might get away with stealing a few things, but I've NEVER seen you once complain about powerful people committing crimes. If you did, they obviously had to be someone you consider to be on the Left as that's the only group you seem to care about doing anything you deem unseemly. You sniff the thrown of the most corrupt President in history, with an administration packed to the gills with corruption and you have never balked once. 


As for that article you posted, it doesn't even have anything to do with any kind of shoplifting policy. It's about fucking organized gangs who shoot at police. The withdrawal they spoke of was because of how much fire power the robbers had. Like you dont even know what you're talking about or getting mad over. You just want people to vilify in your mind. 




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On 2021-12-05 at 10:08 PM, Cooke said:

How can you have racism if no one is a racist? 


You treat different races differently for the benefit of some and not others. You want to end racism by acting in a racist fashion. 

lol You giving white nationalist the benefit of the doubt is shocking. :roll:

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23 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

lol You giving white nationalist the benefit of the doubt is shocking. :roll:

Treating everyone equally.. the new definition of white nationalist 😄


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