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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I already did moron. Again, the point is that I didn't pay $1200. But you are saying I did... so I'm saying you paid $1500
  2. https://www.protondb.com/explore Look at the link retard. Are those games all indie games? How about you post your Steam list of games? Let's see whatchu got
  3. I sold my old GPU and put that money towards the 2080ti. I didn't pay $1200 for it. And that's the point. But you're saying I did... so... I'm saying you spent $1500. LOL YOU don't get to choose what applies to you or not. Your own logic is coming back at you... whether you like it or not. Don't get mad because Nvidia sold you 3 expensive cards, and you picked the one with the worst perf-to-$$ ratio... and then right after they took your money they released an equal card without the extra unnecessary VRAM for much cheaper. And you bought it to play CP20
  4. It appears that there's thousands of games that work LMFAO... this guy wanting me to pay attention to the 10 that don't work.. instead of the thousands that do Look here sweetie... I can look what games are supported, how well they are supported, and decide for myself... like anyone else can... And for those 10 other games... oh lord help me if I have to buy a $10 Windows 10 key online and install windows on it... We keep coming around to that point... where I can do with it what I want. It's a perfect standalone device.. and an even bett
  5. OMFG Dude... he's been gatekeeping EVERYTHING lately... Notice how he's mentioning CoD profusely @jehurey ... sweetie if you want to know all of the games Steam Deck OS supports... go here: https://www.protondb.com/explore
  6. I already did. You ignored it. So I'm ignoring yours. You paid $1500 for a top GPU I paid $1200 for a top GPU Difference is mine was on top for 2 years, and wasn't replaced by a much cheaper version of the same gpu with less unncessary RAM like yours was almost immediately.
  7. He has ONE card my dude... are you not following along? And he's laughing at me buying a $1200 GPU... when he bought a $1500 GPU... you don't seem to get the hypocrisy I'm calling out here... And no... the 3080ti takes ALL the wind out of the sails of the 3090.. Who the fuck would buy a 3090 now? And I was going to.. and I've had multiple chances to. Carlos offered me his right here, and I declined. I've had multiple chances with cards ready to checkout.. but ultimately decided I'm good for now. My 2080ti has absolutely no problems with any games.
  8. And I told you I sold my old GPU and put the money towards my 2080ti when I bought it.. yet you still say I paid $1200. So if you can say that... then I'm saying that you spent $1500 on your GPU. Your bitch logic there son. Not my problem. So yea.. you bought the most expensive GPU... and a few months later Nvidia released the same GPU with less unnecessary RAM.. for much cheaper. The one who is owned here is YOU
  9. Yes, it factually does have the biggest library... because the built in OS device supports thousands upon thousands of games. And.... the device can ALSO run windows... and have access to literally every ecosystem that the PC has. There's no comparison. The Deck has a bigger library of games. If someone doesn't have ANY device... and is looking between a Switch and a Deck... the Deck offers the biggest library.. the most power.. the most flexibility.. That's not a debate.
  10. Hey look... Jerry... a guy with a Steam account with MANY GAMES.... is arguing about the devices worth... if you don't have a Steam account with many games LMFAO... like... IDIOT.. does that matter to you? He understands FULL WELL that the fact that the device can be used in any way you want it to.. and that by default... it's a device with an ecosystem of thousands upon thousands of games... He knows the value. He's just literally a fucking retard. This forum has gone down so badly because of him. There's simply not enough people that post
  11. We'll all be Jerryatric patients by the time he admits he's lost the argument
  12. No.. there's no barrier to entry... what the fuck are you talking about? You can LITERALLY just buy it... and have the biggest library of games available day 1 for you to purchase from.... OR.... You can ALSO just log in to your existing account..with a thousand games It's MORE of a standalone device out of the box than Switch. Has a bigger library day 1... and you can do what you want with it. Put on Windows... buy games from anywhere.... What THE FUCK is wrong with you?
  13. He doesn't... he sold them..so he says (maybe it's his brothers.. he also bought two of the same PC cases.. so maybe the 3080s were for him and his brother to have matching PCs)
  14. No it didn't. If my 2080ti cost me $1200... your 3090 cost you $1500 bozo. You're not getting away from that fact. And Nvidia didn't release a "3080ti" card with the same performance but much cheaper right after my GPU launched You got fucked over Hell... even the 3080 is like ~90% of the performance of the 3090 and was less than half the price... The 3090 was really truly the "spread your ass" card... and Jerry spread his ass wide open
  15. bubu they aren't bitching about the Steam Deck... they're concerned for PC gamers!!
  16. Steam deck doesn't require me to have bought games on my PC dipshit.... Someone without a PC can buy a Steam Deck and use it completely standalone. And someone like me... with over 1000 games on Steam, and use it in any fashion I want. As a companion accessory... or as a standalone device. The device.. is whatever I want it to be retard. Jerry.. why are you so retarded? Seriously?
  17. You were stupid enough to buy a 3090 and Nvidia took your money and then released a much cheaper and better value 3080ti Man.. the 80ti cards truly are the best
  18. Yep. And everything you said was spot on. Jerry's a clown ass motherfucker... and the entire forum knows it.
  19. No, PSVR connects physically to a playstation device sweetie. The PSVR isn't anything but a paperweight... without a device to connect it to. The Deck is it's own device. And it's its own platform... If I want it to be... but it's also a companion device.. if I want it to be. You see.. it's ABSOLUTELY a standalone device. Nothing else required. It's what I want it to be.
  20. Sweetie... what don't you understand about the word TODAY? Fucking clown And the funniest thing about this @The Mother Fucker is that the 3080ti.... ABSOLUTELY MADE HIS CARD COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT.. Nvidia went out and just said.. oh here's a much cheaper card that performs the same and doesn't included all the unnecessary VRAM LMFAO this clown overpaid for his 3090... because he couldn't wait for the 3080ti... which we knew was coming
  21. We're talking about the device sweetie And Steam is the platform. It's an accessory if I want it to be.... and it's a standalone... if I want it to be
  22. Show me where you can buy it for $600 sweetie. And no, I look quite smart buying my GPU 2 years ago, with uncontested performance... and it's still better than a card that costs $1100 in todays market.. and the kicker is that I can literally sell my card for more than I paid for it 2 years ago. And yea, I've had a lot of fun having ABSOLUTELY the best performance for the 2 years it was top of the line, and continued amazing performance with forward looking features like RT cores and DLSS... and you were gaming on your 970 and old 1920x1200p 60hz monitor
  23. It's a standalone device moron... The ecosystem isn't standalone... when you buy a game for the Deck... you ALSO buying it for the PC, and vice versa
  24. And he's trying to laugh that for 2 years now, I've had a card that performs better than a 3070... which TODAY costs... And I can sell my 2080ti for that much money too.... yet somehow... I'm owned
  25. Nope he doesn't. He has a 4K TV... with his PC out in the living room sitting next to it.. with cables running all over the place... and he expects us to believe that he's running back and forth between them when he's posting on here and playing a game His PRIMARY experience on PC... is on a 1920x1200p **60hz** monitor. LMAO he would have been better off keeping a 3080, selling the 3090 for more profit, and buying an ACTUAL modern monitor
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