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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Looks fun. Gonna enjoy this on Gamepass
  2. Well the plot certainly does seem to be thickening...
  3. Not goona lie.. it looks fun and looks like it has a more variety than I thought it was gonna have.
  4. It's confusing at best. I'd wait for clarification, but if true, yea then that's a HUGE play by MS...
  5. More than any Switch game... so you should be fine.
  6. Apparently just for Free2play games... but it's kinda confusing how he words it in that specific tweet.. you'd think he'd add that context to the tweet itself so there'd be no confusion.
  7. Nah. I think Jehurey's going to get a taste of his own medicine. This entire forum calls me Lemij constantly in every thread. If he talks shit about Xbox in any thread... we'll I'm going to bring up the fact that he made a thread asking to buy one... He's not escaping that fact.
  8. You don't think I'd notice if I didn't see Jehurey's posts
  9. Nope. I'm taking it up with you. You want to comment and post memes how they relate to me... I'll post how they relate to you as well.
  10. As a response to someone talking about me. Showing that you are in agreement with them. So if I'm in the acceptance phase, then you must be too... about Xbox... because you literally made a thread asking sw.net to sell you one.
  11. I never derailed the thread. I said it looked like shit... then the rest of you started to talk about me. You commented about me... so I'm commenting about you... like how you made a thread asking for people here to sell you their Xbox. You have accepted Xbox.
  12. I already admitted MS fucked up with how they touted this game.. but again, I do believe there is lots of detail there that simply wasn't easy to see due to the lighting conditions... and depending on what they do with the ray tracing, a lot of that detail might come out where it didn't before. And I already called out how bad/weird it was that we still haven't seen gameplay running on an actual Series X at this point. But at this point we're talking more about the conference in general rather than Halo. I agree it sucked they showed a lot of CGI stuff... but being honest.. they
  13. The same acceptance that had you create a thread asking for people here on systemwars.net to sell you their Xbox Lemhurey?
  14. Eh. I really don't give a shit. They're completely different styles of games.
  15. Let's be honest... there are people who are going to not like a decision they've made regardless of what they do. Classic inspired art direction? I liked the new style more! Sprint? I hate sprint, it shouldn't be in Halo. Open world design? I hate open world games give me traditional! They're in a tough situation because fans want "outdated things" to remain... while others want them changed. I don't think I'm understating anything. I know full well many people aren't happy with what was shown. I agree myself that it was disappointing in many ways... but I real
  16. Yes, exactly like that. Millions and millions liked and enjoyed that game. I didn't. No Halo didn't look bad... it looked like Halo... lmao ADHD kids that need fucking zip lines and teleporting and super speed movement and other bullshit in their games to feel like it's "good gameplay"...
  17. It will be true. Millions and millions will buy and enjoy this game. Haters will be on the forums whining like ususal.
  18. Looked great. Looks like more Halo. Looks fun. Haters
  19. Halo does look good. I thought it would look better... but I've thought that for Sony games too... like TLOU2 with the E3 gameplay looking vastly better with animations and visuals. Not to mention Ghost of Tsushima...
  20. You have NO idea man... this game is going to sell consoles.. it's going to sell like crazy on XO... and it's going to do crazy on Steam..... and that's all despite being on Gamepass.
  21. I honestly don't think it's that bad.. There are some issues with things like pop-in and the way the lighting updates going in and out of the menu... so it doesn't look quite as polished as you'd expect.. especially considering how much they touted the game being a showcase... but that's honestly stuff that can be tweaked as the game goes through final optimization phases. I honestly think outside of that the game is good to go. I like the art direction, although there should be movement in the grass and trees ect.. I think there's lots of detail in the models but like DF said, it's a lot
  22. I can't see it either.. but there's tons of outside influences going on right now that could impact the launch pricing.. so you never know. Sony has to know there's Lockhart too, so being $600 is just too much if MS is able to bring in a console at $350 or so. It really is a game of chicken going on right now.. which should hopefully mean cheaper prices from both sides, but Sony is also known to get a bit arrogant when they have a huge market lead. They might feel the tech they have in the PS5, as it compares to other consoles and PCs, might push them a bit on the higher side.
  23. The gameplay looked fine... and yes, it looks fun.
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