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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. He is a narcissist. Guaranteed he has no friends . Shitty job , no wife or girlfriend . Even his picture was his ugly face with this wierd psychotic smirk LOL dude would literally call of work tomorrow depending on how long remij decides to go back and forth with him
  2. Jerry just argues to argue . Having everyone against him is what he loves . Then he just acts stupid and claims he won. Same story every time . Same argument Everytime . True narcissist. Just call him dumb and move on . He doesn't know how to combat that. Just tried with dumb Xbox jokes lol
  3. You have to make a cut off at some point . Or else every store would have people going in way after they are closed
  4. Jerry wants more attention than the lady that got two employees fired . What kind of shit person are you to not care about people losing theirs job over you not being able to come to a store on time . That lady is garbage .
  5. Yeah they do . Prove it . You're so dumb . People have lives outside of work you idiot .
  6. This is the kind of stuff that makes people racist . It's stupid . People should be ashamed of themselves .
  7. Some people have kids and family to get home to . And stores have policies . It was wrong for the people to get fired . The employees did nothing wrong . Anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong , or racist . The end
  8. If anyone thinks this is fair , they flat out hate white people and are racist . It's the same thing as me watching people try to justify Roseanne y'all racist
  9. Why are you even responding ? If you didn't let someone in your video game store after it was closed and you got sued because of that how would you feel ?
  10. I'd be going to all local news stations and getting a lawyer and taking a bunch of money from that bakery .
  11. Sell my Xbox for one cinematic samey Sony game and play 99 percent inferior multiplats the rest of the year ? .ROFL . No thanks
  12. I love me some good of war but damn I don't need 2 consoles Not sure if there is anything else I want to play on ps4
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