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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. No, I said it’s trash and you said “just like you”. So you admitted horizon is trash, either that or I’m amazing. which is it gonna be?
  2. Far from it, resolution and frame rate are superior on Xbox
  3. Gouk and Jerry told me that FIFA owns the EA game. So EA has to make a brand new game and FIFA gets what EA created.
  4. Their soccer game, yes. thsyre like battered wives… they keep coming back for more
  5. Actually, you do. Because it doesn’t take long to get there. You’ve had the game for a year, apparently. Or did you rent it?
  6. Bro, think what you want about Elden Ring. None of this changes the fact that you disliked HFW.
  7. We can talk about Elden Ring in the new thread you make. this thread is about a game you hated, HFW he’s trying SO hard to derail this thread, that’s all he can do, at this point
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