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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I have already provided a direct quote of you hating the game. You keep asking for something that was already posted.
  2. And when it comes to Digital, ER had a big advantage https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2022-03-10-elden-ring-downloads-keep-gran-turismo-7-from-no-1-uk-digital-charts
  3. Sorry, sweetie. It was the first and only argument. one you still haven’t addressed.
  4. the only argument was that you hate returnal. I even posted a direct quote proving it. you’ve lost on every attempt to change the subject ever since
  5. He’s keeping track of his returnal deaths before deciding to never play again
  6. How you hate Returnal, and how you lied about how much you played it.
  7. Not gonna work, not this time. You hate Returnal and lied about how much you’ve played.
  8. None of this changes your hatred for Returnal, Jerry. I mean, I even provided a direct quote confirming it.
  9. Sorry, not gonna work. Hit enter all you want, post all the smilies you desire. You were caught hating returnal and lying about your play time. That’s all that’s happened here. But we knew that before all this, too.
  10. Again, it’s not my job to help you read the thread, especially considering you’ve already quoted the post where I posted the direct quote.
  11. It was already posted.. so yes, I did already show it.
  12. There is a direct quote, and you’re pretending there isn’t. Not my fault, pal.
  13. it’s already been proven. Via a direct quote, that you saw. now you’re acting like you didn’t see it. hes typing the same thing over and over
  14. wow, are you frazzled or what? You just typed the same post twice sheeesh, all because he got called out and directly quoted showing his disgust with returnal.
  15. It was already proven, sweetie. A direct quote. Now you’re just playing dumb, because you’ve been caught. Not only with hating the game, but you also lied about how much you played.
  16. It’s dope! Look up somber smithing stones on yt
  17. It was already proven, sorry. Take it up with a literacy coach.
  18. You fucking quoted it go back and read, not my job to tutor you in English
  19. I already posted a direct quote, you’re now acting like you didn’t see it????? holy shit, you save this type of rage for special moments. You musta had a bad day
  20. Hey man, your claims.. your credibility. If you don’t want us to take you serious, here’s how. 6 hours, lmfao
  21. So I take it you’re not going to prove you played returnal for 6 hours, like you claimed. This is your claim, one you won’t stand by. but I already knew you wouldn’t.
  22. Ok. So are you going to prove you’ve played 6 hours of Returnal or no? I’m fine with you not and admitting you hate it. All good with me, I already know you do. LOL
  23. No. You claimed you’ve played around 6 hours of returnal & that you don’t hate it. Now you have to prove it. Sorry, your words.
  24. Sure, once you show me your play time in returnal.
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