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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. So you went out this morning and bought it. Probably a used copy at Gamestop so you can return it within a week. Times ticking, bitch.
  2. THE RESULTS ARE IN: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, @jehurey has talked a lot about PS5 over the last several months. But how much has he played? Let's take a look: Yikes. That's not a lot. What's really odd...is that he's bragged about having access to the new Ratchet and Clank (polarized, June 2021): Well, he hasn't played it...but he's claimed to own it...for the last 4 months! But wait, he has openly admitted to using GameFl
  3. 12 hours wasted @jehurey i know you gotta wait for that GameFly sub but damn.. time is a-waistin!
  4. I guess I should share a bit more. I have all of them through an assortment of reasons. netflix - payed for my lady’s cell provider Disney - see above Hulu - paid thru my cell provider amazon - paid thru work hbo max - girls parents cable peacock - see above apple TV+ - on a year free trial thru girls phone still torrent sometimes tho
  5. Obviously I'm sure most of us use several if not all, but what's your go to?
  6. Oh, I know it got under your skin. That’s why you posted this earlier: I say jump, and you just asked how high
  7. You're going to watch the pre game of the jags vs bengals? the fuck is wrong with you? and bragging about playing a 40fps game is an odd choice there, pal.
  8. Football game isn’t on for 40 mins. We know what you’re going to do
  9. we’ll let the mods decide since you’ve alerted them of the ban bet already tick tick
  10. No, you weren’t. Here you said all you have to do is beat it. Not show it this is some cowardly stuff, Jerry
  11. You blind bitch? I introduced it a 2 week ban bet, you introduced a 4. Then we Both accepted
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