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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. This is too hard for him. https://imgur.com/a/xjcp0Ti
  2. I have a MacBook and a windows PC homie. I just don’t need to use them, because my phone is more than adequate and on me at al times. I don’t sit around on a PC for hours on end, like you.
  3. It just shows how out of date you (and your phone) really are imagine claiming your phone is good but then admitting you don’t post on it because it’s not good at all
  4. As do most people on SW. LOL... pathetic to do... on your phone. let’s see your typing test results, bet I smoke it on an iPhone LOL
  5. Imagine how could Forza could have been if they didn’t have 15 of them in the last 6 years. Lol
  6. He STILL has no response. i smacked him using his own gimmick, oh MY hes even removing parts of my post to “pretend” he didn’t see it
  7. He doesn’t even have a response, not at this point. Now that we no Note 10 sucks so badly they are discontinuing it, and iPhone has 50% market share in the United States, he’s completely stopped trying. Completely....COMPLETE
  8. I took your entire shtick...and used it against you. notice he will talk about ANYTHING other than his own claims now, he’s REALLY lost it. LOOOOOOL!
  9. Take your own advice, LOL he literally can’t even back his way out of his OWN claims, this is great. “COMPLETE”
  10. He can’t address anything he’s claimed, LOL. Full blown panic over in Jerryland.
  11. You claimed: note 10 sucks i have a 5” screen now you’re running from both of your claims, LOL
  12. Is my phone 5” , Jerry? was it last year? or the year before? or the year before? or the year before? or the year before? OR THE YEAR BEFORE? LMAO
  13. You literally think it’s “too hard” to post. Lmao. I’m on my smartphone now and regularly answer you quicker than you answer me. Smartphones (ones that have web browsing) makes posting easy. Hence why most people on this site use phones over computers. edit: it took one minute after your reply to post that. LOL
  14. What happens when you try to turn an already dark website dark?
  15. No point on playing this (On any platform) when BOTW exists.
  16. The question was answered in the poll. MOST people browse via phone, LOL. AGAIN...your phone not being capable doesn’t mean most dont.
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