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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Some stuff came up so I probably can't go on till 830 cst ;( all good bro. another time.
  2. i just finished complex. solid game. i'd give it an 8. now waiting for limbo.
  3. can't g. true blood! then i got to go to sleep. but tomorrow!
  4. just played a friend of mine lbp for 4 hours, via online co-op. some sick new levels added.
  5. ya. i forgot a lot of it too. i doubt i'll remember any of the puzzles either.
  6. btw, the scene in sc where you're under water, with all of those dead bodies, owned so hard! it reminded me of a similar scene in metroid prime.
  7. fusion is better. though i'm enjoying shadow complex quite a bit (even though it's buggy as hell). lol one bug made a moving platform not move and i got stuck. sc is a prettier, but dumbed down metroid.
  8. played some more shadow complex. really enjoying it now. i'd give it an 8.5 so far.
  9. i played uc2 at the midnight launch...so the experience was unspoiled for me too.
  10. I wish I played UC2 earlier damn Gee killed off most of it's wow factor The only exclusive that comes close is Gears 2, though UC2 is better thanks to it's it platforming and different environment. Both are really huge and badass, though again I wish I played it before Gee overhyping the shit out of it. have you gotten to the ice part yet?
  11. Mass Effect 2 and Alan Wake for me. mass effect 2 was pretty close imo. though wake far from it.
  12. Uhhh, Gears 2. gears 2 was disappointing. i got bored and stopped around where maria dies.
  13. looking back, i really wish the 360 had a campaign as good as uc2 :( at least xbla owns
  14. See. we told you it was longer. And better he should be getting close to the ice temnple
  15. btw i'm digging shadow complex a lot more now. the game gets so much better as it goes on. i'm still not crazy about the aiming. though everything else is pretty awesome! i love the level design! xbla is really great
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