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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. Nothing could have been done to save the Dreamcast, because it's not the Dreamcast faults that killed the Dreamcast. It's the PS2.


    That thing had so much hype pre-launch, people were selling their DC before it even came out. People refused to buy a DC because they anticipated the PS2. 


    OMG it's also a DVD player! Now I'm gonna play this new Squaresoft game called The Bouncer. 😂

  2. 3 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Women are flourishing despite men, not because of them. We still have a large number of men who still are openly misogynist, men who support those men like you, and also women working against women. I mean the conservatives are telling women to not get jobs, to start starting families younger, are outraged by any female successes. You know how I know? Almost half of the country operates on hating anything woke and what is considered woke is basically anything that isn't a straight white man. 

    Some men are misogynistic but they don't form a patriarchy. 


    Telling women they should find a man and raise a family like we have done since the dawn of mankind is actively working against them? 


    You know I don't care much for the manosphere and all that shit. In fact I would never want my girl to stay at home. But I'm not going to pretend that kind of life also cannot bring any kind of fulfillment and happiness. 


    What's important is that we let them choose. You want to be a housewife? Good for you. You want to climb the corporate ladder and put your hormonal alarm on hold? You go, girl. 


    I don't see how one scenario is evil and the other is good. Both can be great AND bad.


  3. 35 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Well this thread is about how a patriarchy doesn't exist (in your mind) despite women being the majority population (even split at worst) do they have proportional power to men? 


    I ask this realizing that you probably think women have all of the power lol. Fucking clown world. 

    But men have no power, it's just a very small set of elite rich people that has. Which granted are predominantly males but it doesn't reflect any sort of power for regular everyday men at large against the other sex. I certainly don't. You say you do, but you never said what it was precisely.


    38 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol is this what happens when you dudes think for yourselves? It must be easier to just let Tucker Carlson, Tim Pool, and Matt Walsh tell y'all what to think. 

    Do you deny that white men are getting murdered in South Africa for their skin color (and colonization history but that's not the point)? 


    I love how you only acknowledge privileges when it benefits your grifter narrative just so you can call all white people privileged and demean them for things they have no control over.


    Some well off white collar New Yorker telling me about my privileges. Lmao, please. 


    42 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Where do you live? I'm genuinely curious how this scenario looks in your head. 

    I certainly don't live in shit hole Montreal and never will. It's irrelevant, it's a theorical scenario. I'm not saying it's some guaranteed outcome if it were to happen. But I would definitely stick out more in predominantly black community, just like how you stick out for being a minority. How is it any different? 


    What, you think racism against white isn't possible or something? 


    47 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Also, not to nitpick but in your scenario the none straight white males are misfortunate? You really need to consume less stupid media. 

    Fuck you talking about? I didn't even mentioned sexual orientations even once. I was talking about someone being able to walk and a handicapped person. Holy shit.


    You really need to consume less crack cocaine. 

  4. Yeah the market is literally like 5x time bigger than the PS2 era. Look at how Gamecube and Xbox struggled to reach like 20m. So you had ONE successful console for like a 6 years period. Look at the market now, even shitty Xbox Series L is reaching that 20m bar easily and you have two powerhouse consoles that are selling really well simultaneously and despite the fact million of kids are playing games on mobiles exclusively. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, lostfool said:

    Unfortunately Alex (Alexandra) suffered a severe anoxic brain injury.  She will not be coming home and now her family must decide what to do with her.  

    Stay strong, brother. She needs you. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    There's no patriarchy! 

    Is there truly? Just because the 1% elites are mostly men is not irrefutable proof of a patriarchy. What's stopping a woman now to reach anything she wants to do in her career? 


    60% of graduate are females currently. Guarantee you the next batch of CEOs are gonna have more and more women on board and then you fucking idiots will finally shut up about the imagined cabal of men holding down the women.  

  7. 4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lmfao do I even really need to point out how ignorant what you are saying sounds right now? 

    I guess so. I don't see what's wrong with my statement. Black ghettos exists and they are lot more hostile to my white ass than they would be yours. 


    4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    What privileges? You think they won't kill or rob some random black dude they don't know in whatever 2000s hood movie version of the ghetto you're describing? 

    Yeah. Chances are you won't even get noticed. I'm gonna stick out like a sore thumb. Granted, you could get mugged as well. 


    Oh look, are you mad you're the privilege one in that context? Oh that's fucking cute, your own concept backfires. 


    4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lol is that what that was? Like if you as a white dude went into a black neighborhood, what do you envision?


    Black cops stopping you for no reason because you are white? 


    You think security in black neighborhood stores would treat you like a potential shop lifter because you are white? 


    Do you think older black women would clutch their bags or take a defensive stance in your presence? 


    Like what is it you're picturing? Then chasing you out of the hood calling you a white boy or cracker or something? You just keep getting dumber somehow. 

    I didn't say racism and bias doesn't exist. 


    I'm saying the concept of white privilege is garbage. You are either part of the majority or you're the minority. Calling other people privileged for being part of the most common ethnicity is insulting.


    Since you have so many issues with the given context of a black ghetto and I don't know why because that's a reality. Let's say we were both in South Africa, where people call out for violence against white people in the streets. So your black ass is 'privileged' there and I'm not.


    This concept can be turned over it's head so easily. Then you have other immutable characteristics which people can judge you for. So it's like if I called you a privileged individual because you were born as a healthy man and you aren't bound to a wheelchair. The problem here is that you are not 'privileged' for the misfortune of others which doesn't affect us.

  8. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    We're talking about a guy who literally spent Winter of 2018 playing The Crew 2 because he didn't have jack shit to play on his Xbox.


    I think he literally admitted to putting about 150 hours into the Crew 2.


    And now he's trying to make us believe he's knee deep in a Baldur's Gate game:tom:

    JonD&D rolling his D12. 


    Critical hit!


    Jehurey have been slain.


    2 gold coins and a handful of dirt was looted from the corpse.

    • Haha 1
    • Geese 1
    • dead 1
  9. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    the biggest racing sim nerds are already committed Gran Turismo fans and would've played the game already.


    LOL i love how Lemij is trying to pretend he has dignity, when its obvious that he's begging...........he's just trying to put on an act "Oh.....yeah, if the game comes on Steam, we might be interested." While attempting to hide your starvation for a game.

    Tell that to the guys with 3 monitors, a high end PC and a racing wheel. These guys don't give a fuck about consoles, they're playing bus simulator 2023 and Dirt Rally 2. 

    • aitch 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    In this instance I'm trying to figure out why I won't get mugged, but you would, from your example. 

    Because it's in the part of the town where white people don't go.


    It's like if I brought you to the Southern fare with confederate flags everywhere. Maybe nothing bad will happen in that scenario but I have the 'privilege'. 


    Do you deny that if we both went into a black ghetto you wouldn't be the 'privileged' one?


    I'm just trying to show this color skin privilege BS is garbage but it seem you dropped it? Ok, that's fine.


    2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    The rich have more privileges than an average person, what you are talking about is resources. 

    Yeah, no shit. The problem is not everyone can afford a team of lawyers. Your money should have no bearing on your defense, everyone should be on the same playing field. 


    And famous people get acquitted for minor offenses all the time while regular joe gets punished at the full extent of the law for doing the same thing. 


    2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    You'll blast the generic concept of a rich person, but when it comes down to real life situations, you always take their side.

    A few times =/= always. This is ridiculous how you're assuming a lot of shit I never specifically said and deny. 


    2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Yes. Exactly. There's not a single reason for anyone to give Trump they benefit of the doubt, yet you and people like you always do. 


    The man has a history of no paying contractors, stiffing his debts, being sued countless times, scamming to the point his family can't run charities anymore and yet you still believe former employees that took him to court and won - "were just disgruntled." 


    I can only assume because you think him always innocent because he's rich? 

    You speak like I think he's an angel. I fully expect the man to be as corrupted financially with his own politically driven agenda like every other fucking politician. He's not above that. 


    But it seems you forget he's also the most politically motivated attacked person by the media since day 1 of his political career. Trump is a Russian asset! A racist. A sexist. A fascist. After hearing and seeing so much BS, you become numb to it and it start losing power. 


    The boy who cried wolf racists. Lol. 


    2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    It's the same thing. Most of what people speak on is things like sentencing, which is usually decided upon by.... Judges. The claim isn't that white people don't go to jail, they seem to get lower sentences. 

    Absolutely not the same thing. I guarantee you it's best you get a racist judge than living in a country that systematically makes you a second class citizen with less rights. Come on now, I understand the outcome is the same but there's only in one scenario where where that outcome is guaranteed. 


    2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Other parts people discuss is racial profiling... Which is self explanatory. Hell, last year Twinblade was vegging for racial profiling to return. So if you have cops sweeping black people more than white people, less affluent - so they can't afford really good lawyers, then judges giving white people more lenient sentences, when you put those vital parts together, what is the end result? 

    I see your point. I never put much thought in racial profiling, I'm not even sure how it works exactly. Just more random black people search? Sound stupid. 

  11. 30 minutes ago, Casual said:

    Tbf this is already much more successful commercially.


    And honestly it's a better game, as amazing as DOS2 is.


    Probably my GOTY so far, neck and neck with TOTK.

    Oh sure, the popularity will explode but I can't say I'm surprised by any of this. DOS2 fans bought the BG3 early access in droves pushing it to best seller since last-year. Larian Studios reputation was already cemented, just not quite W3 mainstream level yet. 

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