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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. Heads up, huge selection of VR games are on sale on PSN right now for the second anniversary of PSVR.


    I would definitely recommend those right now at those prices. I bold/underline the top picks that shouldn't be missed but everything is excellent and cheap.


    I Expect You To Die

    Raw Data

    Blasters of the Universe

    Pixel Riped 1989

    Sprint Vector


    To The Top


    Wipeout: Omega Collection

    2MD: VR Football


    No Heroes Allowed! VR

    Shooty Fruity

    StarBlood: Arena


    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Or not . Idiot :D

    And it's coming to all platforms with an internet connection through the Xcloud. 


    Forza on your phone. Forza on your PC. Forza on your Xbox One, PS4, Switch. Forza everywhere. 

  3. Dragon Quest XI - The forge to make weapons and armor is pretty cool. Add some depth to inventory management. Kinda slow beginning but that's to be expected, not bad by the series standards though.


    Fist of the North Star - Kinda boring so far. Very slow pace in the beginning (even though it starts with some brawling right away in the beginning giving you a different impression) then long cutscenes explaining some of the story of FOTNS. Still very early though. The trading item economy is kinda cool though, you don't pay in cash but with what you have on you. Anything goes. 


    Astro Bot - Fucking amazing. The variety in level so far are fantastic, each stage has it's own theme and gimmick, about to beat world 3. The challenge levels you unlock are not easy. This game has the content. I love it.  

  4. Just now, Remij_ said:

    Yep.  Pretty much my feelings exactly.

    We are seeing to much eye to eye tonight. I mean we are in mutual agreement too much right now. So I will reset the balance.


    Forza Horizon sucks dicks. ;D And trying to good a good game on STEAM is like trying to find edible food out of a dumpster, it's a landfill for shovelware. 































  5. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    For sure.  I almost guarantee that other developers are watching this closely and if this game is successful, will give them the courage to try their own take on it.  More games like these with 3rd person viewpoints will come for sure...the latest round of games are without a doubt proving that it's perfectly viable and there's all sorts of new gameplay ideas possible when you consider VR.


    I think Sony is going to do some ground breaking shit with story games and VR on the PS5.  They'll be able to create some truly impactful stuff... I believe anyway.

    PSVR 2.0/PS5. Yup, shit is gonna rock the gaming world. As long as they back it up with quality first party games. 


    I'm hoping Deracine delivers a great story, it's Miyazaki who is writing the script I believe, might end up something special. He has never a bad game. Hopefully.

  6. 1 hour ago, Remij_ said:


    I've come to really like Easy Allies.  They give off that group of friends vibe, and they're always optimistic and excited and don't dwell too much on all the bullshit.

    I like their reviews. It's like GT (GameTrailers) never really died. I don't watch their other podcasts videos and what not but they sure seem like a bunch of truly passionate gamers.


    While GB sounds like tired old married men who lost their love for games a long time. Especially that fat pos Jeff Gerstmann.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Lord help us if Sony now has a AAAe platforming franchise...


    They're straight up killing it.  Some people have been saying that it's as good as any Nintendo platformer.. which is high praise indeed.


    Hopefully the game sells really well and blows up.  It will be a great thing for platformers and VR in general.

    It's not quite Mario level good but it's getting close.


    Most importantly like you said, it's a great thing for VR. Really shows that classic type of games have their place in the VR space and VR actually brings something to the table for games that aren't in first person. Kinda like Moss.


    I really want more third person or fixed perspective games in VR. Hell even 2D games are awesome to see.

    • Upvote 1
  8. PSVR Without Parole is doing an award show for PSVR games. I bolded the games I think should win (imo).



    Best Wave Shooter


    Shooty Fruity

    Raw Data

    The Brookhaven Experiment

    Blasters of the Universe


    Best Multiplayer Game



    REC Room

    StarBlood Arena

    Firewall Zero Hour (still haven't played it)


    Best Launch game


    Batman Arkham VR

    EVE Valkyrie

    Job Simulator

    Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

  9. Astro Bot is pure joy. Controls are smooth and responsive and the levels looks great in VR. The little fucker robots are also pretty well hidden (the equivalent of stars in 3D Mario games). There isn't a single stage where I found them all on my first try so far.


    This will give it some nice replay value. 5 hours my ass.

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