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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. DOA may not be as "h@rdkore" as Tekken or VF, but at least it's playable with friends and at least they can enjoy it They really aren't into fighters and after playing DOA they can't tolerate the slow speed of VF or Tekken. VF & DOA = Best of both worlds Tekken is slow and sometimes boring. I really don't enjoy it that much and I'm a cow.
  2. 'Tis the best time of the year for miracles sheep, get praying to Shiggy
  3. Also, notice the comments abou the story. We all told you lemmings that the story was generic shit, yet you n00bs acted like it was the best story in any game ever simply because it was the first one that you experienced.
  4. Brutes are still in the game, they'll probably have an even bigger role this time, so it looks like we can confirm that Halo 3 will be a boring piece of shit.
  5. Yes. You can tell that Gerstmann is tyring to review the Wii under GC/Xbox standards, but Kasavin is giving it DS standards. It probably won't get an AAA from Gerstmann, but penfold will overrate some trash.
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