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Posts posted by roflpwnedz

  1. 2 hours ago, -GD- said:

    a perfect example of our news: 

    murder in northwest miami-dade (white or black)- low priority since that's a dangerous area

    a roach found in restaurant food - lead story


    yes, i've seen this shit 


    Lol. Those dirty dining segments. But yeah, I don't know how you guys would handle the news with all the murders and shootings that happen every day. Always the same thing.


    This one happened close to where I live and I think I may have heard it but damn, it's like shit happens here and gets cleaned up and nobody knows anything about it. Just another day in the hood.

  2. I've done it before and I don't really mind. Same with online classes back when I was in college. I'm very disciplined when it comes to those kind of responsibilities and I just see those hours as work and I tell everyone around me to fuck off and let me focus. At least there is no money spent on travel and expensive fast food. Coworkers at a regular job are cool to talk shit with and stuff but I don't see it as a place to go meet real friends. You could always do that by going out after working from home.

  3. I'm really impressed with Kiwami 2. I didn't research it much so a lot of the things surprise me like the gameplay mechanics change and features like first person mode and being able to explore more of the cities. More places to go into. I don't remember there being cars driving around before. I also don't remember the environmental damage being as detailed at it is now. :bow:

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