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Everything posted by Snowman

  1. Also found a new Meteorite spell and everyone online is all about Comet Azur right now and while it's badass, my go to is this one. Doesn't have the range, but it melts the big bois
  2. I had been using this legendary ash and it's been doing me well, while the dmg ain't so good, it has a huge HP pool, using a great shield, and does that teleport thing, so it makes for a great meat sponge. It's tanked some heavy bosses even during second phases
  3. Yeah, I somehow missed the Mimic Ash during my exploring, but for the Malenia fight I had to look up where it was and got it to +10. It's insane how OP it is. Able to use whatever the weapons you have equipped, along with any spells, and able to flask up.
  4. That's awesome to hear! And yeah, I'll DM ya in a second for his discord
  5. Yeah, some of those caves were hell....looking at you, Sellia Crystal Tunnel and a couple others... The regular enemies had attacks that could basically one shot ya and then the boss areas were small as hell with bosses that can do some serious AoE
  6. Have you gotten past him yet? @Twinblade
  7. Can confirm rotten breath was the way to go. Had my homie come in and use it, he's the one boss I needed help in. I stayed back summoning the NPC summons and helped throw some rock slings on his ass, while he was rotting away. Cheated him but meh, I wasn't in the mood for him last week lmao
  8. Oh damn, how Cleo doing? He ever come 'round here anymore?
  9. Damn, that's sad to hear. What are some of the bigger disappointments for ya?
  10. 138 hours in and still on my first playthrough but 20+ hours of that were helping a friend. Don't really have much more to do judging from 2 friends that have the Plat. lvl 150, this is with anything boosting my stats, so no Tailsmans or headpiece. Think I'm going to stay at 150 and it'll be my last lvl.
  11. Haven't posted in a few days, but I just beat Malenia and Jesussssss, definitely one of the toughest bosses I've ever faced. She had me malding bad. Amazing fight though, and while I hated her It made her a fun boss. Had to level multiple weapons and I was about to respec just for her fight. @Remij haven't had the time to respond to ya yet, but I deeply appreciated what you wrote and I'll respond back later tonight
  12. Yeah, I definitely understand that, this isn't a game for 1-2 hours of play time like GD said. Hopefully you'll get some time here soon to play this masterpiece
  13. Haha yeah, but unfortunately I've got time to do so. There was a reason I thought I wouldn't be able to play this game for awhile and my homie gifted me it. To put it very short, life the past 5 years haven't been kind to me, but the last 2 years I haven't worked..been in a pretty deep depression and there's a mental block I haven't gotten over yet. So, I've been able to no life this game the past week and a half
  14. @Hot Sauce Hot Bauce, how you enjoying this revolutionary game?
  15. A dialogue log and full co-op would be welcomed, but really besides that I haven't had any complaints. By far the greatest open world game of all time, FROM are the GOATs
  16. 89 hours in, lvl 103, still have 1 last section to unlock ...well plus And really 12 or so of those hours were either helping my homies in co-op or PvPing.
  17. Is it a Gargoyle with an axe on his back? If so, then yeah, you get teleported there.
  18. I wasn't in the mood at all for the Capital, so I didn't explore it at all. So I'll have to go back and explore that whole region, but not right now lol
  19. Past 2 nights I didn't really get to advance cuz my homie wanted to catch up, so I helped carry him. But tonight I passed thru the Capitol and beat Godfrey and Margit(?). Currently on my way to unlock
  20. Yeah, here's my stats before and after my Tailsman and headpiece. That Soreseal raises Vigor, Endurance, Strength, and Dex all by 5 points. That 3rd Tailsman greatly raises my equip load. First one just slowly restores HP. And my headpiece raises my INT by 6, though it also decreases my HP and Endurance
  21. Seems that staff adds FP costs at the exchange of higher dmg. Rock Sling costs 18 FP normally, but with Lusat Staff it's 27 FP. I guess I'll need to put more points into Mind, def need more FP to use it
  22. The great Moonlight Greatsword y'all Costs 40 FP to imbue it, but once it's imbued, none of the R2 slashes costs FP for a full minute.
  23. GD officially greater than majority of PeeC players and he hadn't played Souls like that Jokes aside, congrats GD
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