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Neil deGrasse Tyson got #MeToo'd ?

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7 hours ago, Cookester15 said:

what happened to all those women that accused Trump? if anyone need to be taken down its him. That just all went away, were they silenced or something? 

Conservatives circle the wagons on sexual assault violations.  Liberals take the allegations seriously.  See Al Franken versus Trump/Roy Moore/Kavanaugh.


The end result is that, because conservatives aren't ashamed to have alleged rapists in their ranks, the allegations are seen as hurdles instead of career-enders.

Edited by McWickedSmawt85
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Kind of reminds me of the supersize me guy who immediately wanted to get in front of it, and he started admitting to some things, and making a long explanation of it. The strategy there was that he admitting to some stuff, but tried to downplay other stuff.


But who knows. Neil Degrasse Tyson has a bit of an ego on him.

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