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Grasshopper Manufacture (Suda51, No More Heroes) now lists Nintendo Co., Ltd. as "major client", among other big changes

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TLDR, they're short on cash, downsizing, and praying someone steps in and funds them. 





Doesn't seem like NMH3 has a willing publisher or funding at this point. It's merely a concept. 

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I hope it turns out to be something fruitful.  Suda51 makes some of the most unique and interesting games, and I'd hate for the industry to lose that.  I'd rather MS buy Grasshopper than lose Suda, no lie.

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16 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

nintendo will probably step in and acquire the NMH property, hopefully the whole studio actually. trust nintendo, if the fans ask, we shall recieve, they actually give a shit.


fingers crossed.

NMH feels more like a series that exists because of Suda51's passion for it more so than Nintendo's willingness to invest in it.  I always felt it was along the lines of Eternal Darkness, Viewtiful Joe, or Killer 7 as an experimental game that has its roots with Nintendo, but Nintendo doesn't really want to pony up the cash to make them bigger and better.

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