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The democratic candidates for 2024

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  • Twinblade★ changed the title to The democratic candidates for 2024
3 hours ago, Saucer said:

I can't see Ratboy doing well with black Dems. My early money's on our greaseball Cal gov.



Go to move to a red state then if you love GOP policies so much. :muttley: 


Funny thing about Twinkie and Saucer are they both live in dark blue states and then bitch about everything they get to benefit from. :hest: 

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1 minute ago, Ike said:

Go to move to a red state then if you love GOP policies so much. :muttley: 


Funny thing about Twinkie and Saucer are they both live in dark blue states and then bitch about everything they get to benefit from. :hest: 


Can't blame them,



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2 hours ago, Ike said:

Go to move to a red state then if you love GOP policies so much. :muttley: 


Funny thing about Twinkie and Saucer are they both live in dark blue states and then bitch about everything they get to benefit from. :hest: 

Saucer loves trying to trash the California state government.


And he's been exceptionally quiet these past 5-6 years, especially since the government has been running a SURPLUS tax revenue.


Absolutely, his WHOLE IDEOLOGY against Democrats about how they are terrible for government, and waste money.........is absolutely blown to shit when his own fucking state, which is the most liberal, is running a tax surplus.


But if something happens, and they lose a little bit a money in the short-term, Saucer makes sure to come in here and mention it.

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