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Don't care to know because im not interested.  You seem pretty fascinated by it though... Knock yourself out. 

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Sounds like what they used to say about gay people not too long ago.  


That's how modern conservatism works. They just reargue the same arguments they made the generation before. 


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26 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

gay people don’t think they were born in the wrong body. 


Gay people think it's natural for a man to be with a man and a woman with a woman.


Which as I just stated was once considered a mental issue to be attracted to the wrong sex. 

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28 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Gay people think it's natural for a man to be with a man and a woman with a woman.


Which as I just stated was once considered a mental issue to be attracted to the wrong sex. 

Which isn’t the same as thinking you’re a different gender than you are. 

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6 hours ago, Tears of the Cows said:

Which isn’t the same as thinking you’re a different gender than you are. 


Are you slow? Who said it's the same?  I said it was considered a mental disorder until recently. 

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9 hours ago, Tears of the Cows said:

Which isn’t the same as thinking you’re a different gender than you are. 


"When discussing mental health, it's important to understand that "body dysmorphic disorder definition" refers to a specific condition, distinct from gender dysphoria, which involves an extreme concern with one's physical appearance, whereas gender dysphoria is a condition in which a person experiences significant distress due to a mismatch between their gender identity and the sex they were assigned at birth. The words “dysphoria” and “dysmorphia” may sound similar, but when it comes to gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia, they are two very different things."

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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11 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


It's almost as if there is a spectrum or something. Having same sex is just as foreign to many hetero people too. 

having sex with the same gender isn’t the same thing as thinking you’re born as the wrong gender 

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5 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

having sex with the same gender isn’t the same thing as thinking you’re born as the wrong gender 


It's not exclusive, but they are gay trans people and straight trans people. Yes they are not 100 percent the same which again, why there is a spectrum. They are gay men who "act" more feminine than some women and some burly gay guys that are hyper masculine. 


It really doesn't matter because you really don't care. You're just mining content by being a weird contrarian about this. Which is why I changed my reply to a generic description because you make every interaction as annoying as possible. 

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


It's not exclusive, but they are gay trans people and straight trans people. Yes they are not 100 percent the same which again, why there is a spectrum. They are gay men who "act" more feminine than some women and some burly gay guys that are hyper masculine. 


It really doesn't matter because you really don't care. You're just mining content by being a weird contrarian about this. Which is why I changed my reply to a generic description because you make every interaction as annoying as possible. 

Being a feminine gay guy doesn’t mean you think you’re really a woman. It’s just your personality. 

thinking you’re a woman when you’re a man 100% is a mental disorder... and that’s fine, there are many mental disorders. I’m not discrediting them being person, but it is what it is. 

it’s the same thing as thinking I’m an elephant. 

Edited by Tears of the Cows
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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


No, your retarded ass can't read and comprehend. 

Then why did you even reply by saying “sounds like what they used to say about gay people”???? Because you think they’re NOT the same thing? :D 

Edited by Tears of the Cows
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3 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

Then why did you even reply by saying “sounds like what they used to say about gay people”???? Because you think they’re NOT the same thing? :D 


Are you dense?  Cooke said it's a mental issue with trans people.  I SAID, Not too long ago, being gay was seen as a mental issue as well. Aka sounds like what they used to say about gay people. 


That does not imply that gay and trans are the same both have spectrums within it. 


What it does explicity state is that both were seen as mental issues. 


You're dense as fuck :kaz:

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21 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


It's not exclusive, but they are gay trans people and straight trans people. Yes they are not 100 percent the same which again, why there is a spectrum. They are gay men who "act" more feminine than some women and some burly gay guys that are hyper masculine. 


It really doesn't matter because you really don't care. You're just mining content by being a weird contrarian about this. Which is why I changed my reply to a generic description because you make every interaction as annoying as possible. 


Yup, it's a spectrum because... 


There are gay men who totally act like women, female mannerisms, wear a mix of male and female clothes etc... 


There are butch lesbians that act like men,  male mannerisms and wear male clothing etc... 


I guess @Cooke thinks gay men and women have mental issues... 


Which by extension means he thinks he himself has mental issues..... Lol



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4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Are you dense?  Cooke said it's a mental issue with trans people.  I SAID, Not too long ago, being gay was seen as a mental issue as well. Aka sounds like what they used to say about gay people. 


That does not imply that gay and trans are the same both have spectrums within it. 


What it does explicity state is that both were seen as mental issues. 


You're dense as fuck :kaz:

It’s largely irrelevant, considering you said they’re not the same thing at all. So why even say it? Being gay doesn’t mean you think you’re something you’re not… while trans does. 

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1 minute ago, Goukosan said:


Yup, it's a spectrum because... 


There are gay men who totally act like women, female mannerisms, wear a mix of male and female clothes etc... 


There are butch lesbians that act like men,  male mannerisms and wear male clothing etc... 


I guess @Cooke thinks gay men and women have mental issues... 


Which by extension means he thinks he himself has mental issues..... Lol



Cooke thinks that people that believe they’re another gender than what they are have mental disorders. Pretty straight forward. Most gay people don’t want to be the other sex. The ones that do.. have a mental disorder. 

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Just now, Tears of the Cows said:

It’s largely irrelevant, considering you said they’re not the same thing at all. So why even say it? Being gay doesn’t mean you think you’re something you’re not… while trans does. 


That's not the point dip shit.   For the majority of time... Gay people were seen as having mental issues that's a undisputed fact. 



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4 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

Cooke thinks that people that believe they’re another gender than what they are have mental disorders. Pretty straight forward. Most gay people don’t want to be the other sex. The ones that do.. have a mental disorder. 


Yet he doesn't think that men acting like women and women acting like men is a mental disorder....strange line to draw in the sand.. Lol


You're finally catching up :umad:

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4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Yet he doesn't think that men acting like women and women acting like men is a mental disorder....strange line to draw in the sand.. Lol


You're finally catching up :umad:

Acting like something in personality. Believing you ARE a female when you’re a male or the other way around is the mental disorder. 

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