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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. lol are you eyebrows waxed? Lol voidler explain. LMFAO holy fuck lmao IHBR, observant mother fuckers Is that your man next to you?
  2. I wish my sister was more like you. She only goes for girls who are bi and straight, which is pretty stupid cause they always go back to men and she ends up with a broken heart http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons//Smileys/sad.gif
  3. lol no one even acknowledges you exist except when you whine about them. You're the most irrelevant bitch. Don't kid yourself Chimps. The fact that you have e-grudges with numerous posters shows that you are a pathetic person. the motherfucking ironing
  4. I'll post the voice messages too just need to get them off her. Visiting my rents tmrw. God you're such a whiny bitch all the time. Jesus christ Oh so now I have voice messages. First, you said pics, now I have voice messages. If anything, Xelle having my recording makes you look like a winner. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons//Smileys/cool.gif WTF is wrong with you I am pretty sure she masturbates while listening to my manly voice. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons//Smileys/cool.gif You're so fucking delusional
  5. lmfao. Xelle told me she thinks of you as her brother. Fail more ugly monster. So I fail because I treat some women as platonic friends? Do they not do that in your country? Just proving my point. Platonic friends? lmfao seems like you take SW completely serious. I have tons of female friends. More in real life. I talk to them, chill out, fuck them. Xelle is just another one from the bunch. Just putting things in perspective. If I were there, I would've already bagged Xelle. The fact that you still stick around and she refers to you as her brother, makes you a huge ugly fag.
  6. Can't believe that faggot wrote an essay about this thread
  7. [url="http://swcga.wordpress.com/"][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Fx3WV.png[/IMG][/url] GD new sig It's different than the old one? Replaces some of ninty mascots with sony ones.
  8. [url="http://swcga.wordpress.com/"][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Fx3WV.png[/IMG][/url] GD new sig
  9. lmao, that came to my mind too http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons//Smileys/laugh.gif
  10. Is Barcelona as racist as I've heard? I had a great damn time and did not see any racism. However, I was hitting mostly bars and clubs full of tourists so it is hard to say. The locals could be a bunch of guiltyspark's for all I know. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons//Smileys/laugh.gif
  11. lmfao. Xelle told me she thinks of you as her brother. Fail more ugly monster. So I fail because I treat some women as platonic friends? Do they not do that in your country? Just proving my point. Must be an indigenous thing
  12. he's so salty What can you expect from someone that looks like a rooster
  13. Malakius hating on every member that's better looking than him.
  14. lol at this grease bum. lmao this inca rooster wishing he was anywhere near as good looking as I am. LittleSnakeHBR
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