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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. lmfao. Xelle told me she thinks of you as her brother. Fail more ugly monster. So I fail because I treat some women as platonic friends? Do they not do that in your country? Just proving my point. Must be an indigenous thing
  2. he's so salty What can you expect from someone that looks like a rooster
  3. Malakius hating on every member that's better looking than him.
  4. lol at this grease bum. lmao this inca rooster wishing he was anywhere near as good looking as I am. LittleSnakeHBR
  5. You're a native fuck No I don't. But you do look like a Guatemaltecan which is even lower than a Mexican. Making shit up My skin color come from african and asian roots in my family, which is better than being an Inca Motherfucker thinking he ain't native Probably believes he is spaniard
  6. You must have some lame friends for them to give two shits about the sites you visit. lol you think this nigga has friends?lol nothing is funnier than that stupid bitch zwarrior deleting his photobucket, deleting as many of his post as possible and basically exiling himself from the forum from a stupid baseless threat. Spida pig is the greatest troll of all time. give credit to gs4u, spida pig is his alt after all.
  7. lol gift? http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons//Smileys/laugh.gif
  8. My sister loves that show Spoiler I recommended the show to her
  9. is this probably more up your alley http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey1tWOEmbQw&feature=fvst http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons//Smileys/laugh.gif
  10. Instead, you took his sister I'll be lookin towards your family soon to was referring to your mom Oh I know
  11. Instead, you took his sister I'll be lookin towards your family soon to
  12. You need a bullet to the head and hope the the worms, over thousands of years, can eat enough of your fat to get you to the average human weight. Go to hell CRACKER! This raghead acting like calling someone a cracker hurts their feelings go head call me a spic and see if I care
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