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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    No you fucking didn't catch me lying you retarded piece of shit.... You didn't find articles that match up with anything... You found a store page listing on the 25th of August which didn't mention ANYTHING about a mini-game or board game. And then a WEEK after I posted that.... an article is released talking about it... and then on Sept 3rd... they updated that store page with the word "strike"... STILL not mentioning anything about a mini game or board game........................................ You can't escape that FACT... and you know it. How Jerry... HOWWWWW
  2. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    LOL you're dingle-berrying Voidler now to try to draw attention away from the fact that I completely owned your ass. Dude, the 25th... the earliest date you have... is a store page. I already showed you what was on that store page on the 25th... And then it was updated to say "strike"... on Sept 3rd... LOL and you're trying to have people believe that I somehow got "board game" "chess-like mini game" from the word "strike" ..................
  3. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Now you're trying to talk about a post about the delay.... which has no mention of "board game" "mini game" And you're actually trying to say "I'm right! Sony and Guerrilla coordinate on news releases" LOL no shit Look here... where I mentioned hearing the game was delayed to Q1 2022... in July
  4. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    LMFAO dude, I went to the webpages and looked at the sources... I know when they were first published.. when they were updated.... It's all archived you fucking clown. I literally just proved it to you and everyone here. You know I knew about this mini game on the 25th at least..... and it wasn't ever mentioned in any site... until September 2nd... when Sony released the FAQ, and Push Square published an article, and then Sony updated the store to reflect the new information on the 3rd. LMFAO. I like that the EARLIST date you have of ANYTHING is August 25th... and you
  5. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    I think you'd be surprised how little sales Sony would actually lose of releasing a game day 1 on both PS5 and PC. The amount of sales they'd stand to lose from the PS5 side, would be more than offset by the higher amount of PC sales (and at full price) they'd get for the game, than they would releasing it 2 years later for less money. I think to really grow their PC market, they have to get the games as close to console launch as possible, as soon as possible. I don't think it's going to cripple their console business.
  6. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    I'm actually going to smack your ass down harder than even before... Let's look at that store webpage you searched shall we? THIS is how the store page appeared on August 25th... when it was created http://web.archive.org/web/20210825195057/https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10000886/ Notice something? There's not any mention of a board game... OR strike or anything. So that date in your search query... was the date that page was initially made. August 30th... here's the archive http://web.archive.org/web/202108
  7. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    No... It was published on Sept 2nd.... You know you can see the publish date in the source code... right? Looking at the history of the webpage I can see exactly when it was created and when it was updated.. Jerry... how do you think I got "chess-like board game" from this? HOW??? That store page says NOTHING about "board game" or "mini game"..... holy shit And that thread was about the game being delayed... which I already told the forum was happening.... and I gave the exact time to
  8. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Oh this is fucking GOOD The creation date of that article is September 2nd.. yep........... .........and viewing the source of the playstation FAQ site... it was also created on September 2nd... The article was made the same day the FAQ went up... Sept 2nd So that leaves the August 25th PS store search result you posted.... If you actually go to the site.. you see this... https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10000886 THAT... is the information you think I got "chess-like board game" from?
  9. Dude, millions upon millions of people have played Halo Infinite. It has great scores. The MP is actually fucking awesome and solid... It's the meta game shit that has people "disliking it" as well as some bugs and shit I guess. Regardless... you act like times haven't changed since then... There's NO MP games these days that generate hype like Halo did back in the day... because the way we learn about MP games, and how we're exposed to them, has significantly changed. It's impossible to by completely hyped by... more shit that's been done before already... especially when you
  10. No. Halo would have declined anyway. Bungie was done with Halo... You think keeping them and forcing them to continue to make a game that they didn't want to make anymore was going to result in anything else? MS was absolutely stupid as fuck to not allow them their creative freedom to work on new IP though. They could have created another team like 343i to take over Halo and let Bungie create something new. That's definitely a fuck up on MS' part... and they know it.
  11. Cope with losing your games however you wish Twinky... if calling me a port begger helps you
  12. LOL this game is not releasing 5 years later on PC.... nor 2 years later...
  13. Some things look great. Other things look pretty bad. Regardless, this is looking to be the most fully featured GT game in AGES. I'll get it on PC.
  14. Doesn't matter how much incentive Sony gives them... when Facebook and Amazon and Google and Apple open their wallets to recruit programmers and tech artists to help develop the Metaverse... they're going to jump ship. This is true for both Sony and MS. Those big tech companies are going to go to war to steal each other's top developer talents. It's going to be insane how valuable some of these developers will be to these companies.
  15. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    I've mentioned the mini game multiple times. And now he's acting like the IGN guy talking about it.... isn't proof that it exists in the game I told this forum of the delay, AND the chess-like board game LAST YEAR... when not a single fucking soul had ever heard of it having mini games at all... And I event TOLD @jehurey multiple times TO REMEMBER that I said it does... And he's pretending that he "doesn't remember".... lmfao! He's just going to try to downplay it... because he can't possibly admit that he's owned, at this point. "bubub no visual confirm
  16. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    We did argue about it.. in the sense that you were doing the exact same thing you were trying to do now... I told you I KNEW Death Stranding Director's Cut was coming to PC.. and that I had confirmed it... and you laughed and wanted to know my source.. saying I was full of shit. I told you I can't give you my source... and again you laughed. Then I responded telling you.. DS:DC is releasing on PC... I told you to remember that, and to remember that Horizon FW would have a board game/chess-like mini game as well.. to remind you that I actually knew about that shit MONTHS ago.
  17. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    It's not going to take an entire gen for me to be proven right.
  18. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    I told you (and the forum) back in August of last year, or earlier (back around the time I told the forum the game would be delayed to Q1 2022) that Horizon FW has a board game/chess-like mini game.. as well as a racing mini game. We didn't argue about it... I simply TOLD the forum about it being in the game... How did I know about that? I'm fucking TELLING YOU that I know someone who knows someone... and you think I'm joking
  19. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Dude, just stop right there. I said by the end of this gen Sony will have released at least 1 first party SP game day and date on PC. And I'm meant their main franchises.... not stupid expansion live service shit. You told me they wouldn't. So that's what the bet is... and you're going to be proven wrong.
  20. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Oh, he's mad And that post is coming from the guy that just said Sony and Nintendo will work together and buy EA and make an agreement that Madden and other games come to Switch... Yea, you DO know what I know... because I told you about the Strike minigame in Horizon FW, I told you about Death Stranding Directors Cut.... and I told you about Bloodborne.. which is done. When it's announced for PC... the thread I'm going to make is going to possibly be the most epic thing ever posted on this forum... and I'm going to enjoy throwing these posts back in y
  21. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Look how quickly things are happening though. 6 years from now is a LONG time, and a lot is going to happen in that time. The industry is going to change very drastically this gen. Adding the pandemic, the consolidation of the industry.. the other big players looking to get into the gaming market... This is speeding up the process and Sony will have no choice but to go all in. I think it's best they get the ball rolling and let the fanboys have their hissy fits, and get over it, so they can fully focus on executing and growing their IPs in all markets.
  22. Remij

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Huh? I'm not twisting anything. Sony will release a big tentpole SP IP of theirs Day 1 on PC, by the end of the gen. I told your ass I'm winning this bet and I'm not reliant on "live service" games.. which you guys are VERY CONVENIENTLY trying to claim as "different games and not Sony what you meant" We're one year in... and you guys still think 6 years from now Sony wont be releasing day 1 games on PC
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