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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No, it has 2080ti performance. It's had that performance for 2+ years now. The 3070... has 2080ti performance... now. When I spent $1200... it was the best.. and by FAR. And went unmatched for 2 years. You spend $1500... and it's the best.. but not by even close to as much as my GPU was. LMAO I can't believe your attempt to "own" me... is that GPUs get more powerful over time Fucking clown
  2. The Deck is ABSOLUTELY an accessory to a PC. I'm BUYING the thing based on the fact that they are connected entirely through the ecosystem. The Deck... is a low spec portable PC. Idiot.
  3. Should I be concerned or not? Because you're telling me Jon's concerns are real issues... right? So yes or no?
  4. Connected to a 1920x1200p 60hz primary monitor.. sitting on a dusty desk with a hutch. Guy needed government assistance to get it too I can definitely knock his PC... and ABSOLUTELY knock his trash tier setup
  5. No. I bought a $1200 GPU that was the absolute best when I bought it, and that lasted for 2 years You bought a $1500 GPU that was the best for 3 months... then lost in rasterization And NO you literally aren't getting better performance per $$ than me And I didn't pay $1200 for my 2080ti either Holy shit you're LOSING it. IMAGINE HAVING A 1920x1200p 60hz monitor in 2021
  6. Yes I can.. lmfao He's knocking my for buying a 2080ti when it launched.. and for two years went completely uncontested.. at $1200 (which I actually didn't pay either because I sold my old GPU) If he can do that.. I SURE AS HELL can knock him for spending MORE on a GPU than me... while having cried and posted before about being all about teh value per dollar He's as big of a hypocrite as they come. Hypochurey
  7. There's nothing better so far.. or in the pipeline for the market this product serves... Why do you want us to be concerned so badly? If I tell you I'm not concerned... are you going to tell me I should be?
  8. And that's fine... because it still shits all over the Switch.
  9. Gorgeous game. Boring at times, but some really good moments too. Best on PC in Ultrawide.
  10. It's quite simple my dude... Sheep.. in this thread... have been hating on the device. Jerry's been hating on it with his "concern".. and you've been laughing along with others about it. Concern about the battery... We already addressed that... Nobody on this site is playing their Switch for multiple hours "on the go"... None of you likely even leave the house with it. Oh no... 2 hours.. then I have to stop? That's the price you pay for having a high powered portable device. Again, concern addressed because it's REALLY not going to affect me. Concern
  11. No. You're attempting to present "concerns from non sheep" ...as a sheep.. People are essentially calling out that you have no room to talk about it. Every time you deflect from someone saying "this thing completely shits on the Switch"... and say "bubut non-sheep are concerned about it"... you're just deflecting. Of course there'll be concerns about the product... at the end of the day, is it a better product? Yes. It's undoubtedly a superior product than the Switch in every respect regarding the "concerns" people have here. Ask Jon if he thinks it will
  12. That's a Jerry level argument Next time don't come into a topic, laugh with people making fun of it... and then expect everyone to take your "concerns" about it seriously. Especially when the device you love... is worse in every respect. You know exactly why people are saying what they are to you. Don't play dumb. Don't be a Jerry level poster. Just say your piece and move on
  13. Yes it is. When someone says something.. and you post this smiley "" You're agreeing with and saying exactly what they are. I didn't skirt over the issue at all. And again... sheep can't tell people they're skirting over the issue.. when they've been just fine with their own issues for so long...
  14. They don't. But they do make Sheep's opinion's about them...irrelevant
  15. Right here Is that you not agreeing with him? Or is that you having your period? And the fact is, when something.. ANYTHING like this comes... sheep are the first to beak off about it. It's a handheld that is more powerful than Switch... FAR more powerful. Any talk about the hardware's capabilities, in which Sheep try to laugh about it... immediately gets rejected and turned on them. Don't act surprised man lol
  16. Jon raised a point, you said THHBR for some reason... despite your device having worse performance and visuals in every single respect.. So now you're wondering why you're getting blowback? Notice how nobody is arguing with what Jonb said? That's because Jonb games on modern hardware with better visuals and performance.. and Jonb hasn't said anything about anyone being owned because of some concerns he has... So the issue is when a sheep like yourself tries to poke fun... you get hit with a dose of reality.. and you don't like it.
  17. You can tell the ones in this thread that don't play games
  18. I remember when you clowned him about having a GTX970 and he was crying that it was great and better than the consoles.. and I stuck up for him... and now anything that isn't a 3090 connected to an OLED is a piece of shit The guy... the one with the 60hz 1200p scratched up monitor that just last year said was awesome and better than the consoles.. The guy that waited 3 years to buy a PS4 console and had no issues not playing 3 years of PS4 games.... and then got a PS5 day one and anything else is a piece of shit That guy with the PS5 that he doe
  19. The absolute HILARIOUS thing is that he has a 60hz 1920x1200p monitor And it's scratched up and dusty as fuck... Sitting on an old 90s desk with a fucking hutch
  20. LOL I Jerry actually trying to say there's a series FPS series that ISN'T on PC?? LMAO what game would that be exactly?
  21. And it's fucking HILARIOUS watching these dipshits ACT like they do. No self respecting 30+ year old is going to be gaming on the go like that... LMAO what the fuck iz u doin with your life if you are? At home... sure, play that shit... and on the toilet.. fuck it why not? But REALLY, you're playing more than 2 hours "on the go"... lmfao don't give me that shit. Them shits is always near a plug. And dude, you absolutely OBLITERATED the sheep with your facts. The library on day 1 DEMOLISHES the Switch.. And you'll be able to emulate all the best Ninte
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