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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Eh, I'll pop in every once in a while to smack down some bitches...
  2. He mentioned Giantbomb... Tell me sweetie... which VR game won best VR game of the year? Fucking retard
  3. The funniest thing... is Jehurey thinks Sony's "proximity sensors" aren't capacitive sensors.... LOL They are LITERALLY the same thing. This is a glorified Oculus Touch controller in every way
  4. ^ It's hilarious seeing all the cowshits begging for HL:Alyx too
  5. At least the people on REEEEra are a bit smarter than Jerry You can’t. It only tracks thumb from stick, index from trigger, middle from grip. It’s not clear if that tracking is on/off or has capacitance that can sense varying distance. Since they didn’t mention it, I’d presume it is an on/off detection similar to Oculus controllers. They’ve designed these be held, unlike Index controllers. I’d guess it’s a cost compromise I mean... the controllers LITERALLY HAVE A FUCKING GRIP BUTTON....
  6. Sure I do. Specifically YOU actually. This is the extent of your VR knowledge
  7. So fucking dumb And he's leaning HARRRRRD into that prototype video too
  8. I've been quoting you the entire time retard The time I wasn't talking to you... I didn't quote you
  9. Jerry's so fucking stupid the only way he can even attempt to win arguments is by claiming others are saying shit they aren't It's hard to have full finger tracking.... when you actually have to HOLD THE FUCKING CONTROLLER.... LMAO this idiot It's using sensors to approximate motion with machine learning. It's essentially the same shit as Oculus. There's no pressure sensitivity.. LOL you can make a peace sign
  10. Yep. Reminds me of the time when he acted like GT was better than Forza... because he was going to play it any day now............. ...2 years ago and still hasn't He's a fucking clown and I enjoy treating him like the bitch he is
  11. And he's trying to lecture me about Oculus.. when I own a Rift and the Quest 2
  12. ^holy shit derpy is MAD bubu da plastic
  13. Yes... it does... when you use the controllers..... it ONLY uses capacitive sensors. WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE TALKING ABOUT HERE... oh.. that's right... controllers The difference between us... is that.... I own the headset.. and know. And you.... are just fucking stupid
  14. I OWN THE FUCKING QUEST 2 YOU IDIOT........ The headset either tracks the controllers or tracks your hands/fingers... it does NOT track both at the same time. When you're using the controllers it ONLY SENSES where your fingers are on the controller.. God damn you're fucking retarded...
  15. Sony's "black thing" is EXACTLY THE SAME... as Oculus' black thing" Idiot.. LOL
  16. Dude.. I OWN the Oculus Rift AND Quest 2.... The touch controllers do not track fingers.... They sense them by capacitive sensors in the buttons... The Quest 2 has 2 modes... Touch controllers... and Finger tracking... you don't get both at the same time... IDIOT!
  17. LMFAO... that's because you're an idiot. Dynamite SIMPLY said that they copied the ring around the controller... like Oculus.. and wished they would have done it in the style of the index controllers... Nobody said SHIT about the finger tracking.... LMAO. And sweetie... Sony's controller doesn't TRACK fingers... it senses them.. BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE clown. Now go ahead and argue with yourself
  18. OMG Jerry... you're SO fucking DUMB Nobody is talking about the black plastic being used for fingers sensing LMFAO... the black ring is full of lights that the cameras on the headset will pick up..... JUST like the Oculus controllers... The finger sensing is done by capacitive buttons as well as under the shell.... JUST LIKE THE OCULUS CONTROLLERS... Jesus fucking CHRIST you are clueless... and you try to talk so confidently
  19. Yes... adding 4 buttons IS a mess. You'd understand... if you had any fucking idea what you were talking about And yes... it's a FACT. They put the ring on the bottom instead of the top... LMAO. They COMPLETELY copied Oculus with the ring of lights. They're also going to copy Oculus with the inside out tracking as well LOL And no.. they didn't follow Valves steps. Finger sensing is NOT the same as finger tracking idiot. My touch controllers SENSE where my fingers are... they don't sense nearly as well as the Index controllers. Index controllers also
  20. @Team 2019 So that's what a Dualshock 5 looks like when it's split!!
  21. Yea, the black plastic around the controller... is EXACTLY like Oculus. Sony's just going even more retarded with it. LOL did you think that I'm going to run away from that fact? LOL
  22. Oh yea, because you want to worry about 16 different buttons while you're playing VR There's a reason why Sony didn't do it... and a reason why I'm making fun of you..
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