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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. How does it not go to the next fight right away after being him?
  2. Didn’t experience any issues. do we need to bring up gt7?
  3. Are you claiming you solely use your ps5 in offline mode?
  4. No, you don’t own anything. You own a license to play the game. They can remove that license one minute after you purchase, if they want.
  5. This has nothing to do with DRM. you own a license, fool. Not the game.
  6. Cows in thread #1: Gamepass SUCKS! You don’t even own the games. Cows in thread #2: PSN rocks because us Sony fanboys buy all of our games digitally. We think this is great even though we don’t own the game. Cows in thread #3: LOL who needs expandable storage. It’s overrated as fuck!!!
  7. No. We live in America. Only US matters.
  8. The only place that matters is US. And ps5 has been last every month this year except once.
  9. Speaking as part of a corporate strategy meeting, Sony bigwig Kenichiro Yoshida has hinted that the company's acquisition of Bungie represents a "major step forward in becoming more multiplatform". As previously announced, the Destiny developer will retain its independence adjacent to PlayStation Studios, meaning that its games will continue to launch on all viable platforms – including Xbox, PC, and mobile. Yoshida also touched briefly on PlayStation's emerging PC business, explaining that the company aims to "provide access to our games to as many users as possible" and it'll be "rollin
  10. For every person that bought a series X, two people bought a 2ds lmfao. Japan is such a weird place
  11. The real news is that Nintendo outsold Sony+Microsoft 6.5:1.
  12. PS5 got outsold by Series S
  13. LOL @ this slob thinking I care about MS. Nintendo is the only developer that matters, point blank.
  14. I’d argue that PC games, which require a MS operating system, do count for Microsoft in terms of company sales. But for SW sakes they are are different.
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