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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I do not think there will be a new switch next year but certainly wouldn’t mind it. i do hope they stick with the switch format aka switch 2 tho.
  2. You’re comparing video streaming to a game subscription service. Ofc there will be more people watching tv than gaming, which you have to have a tv for. holy fuck the desperation with this one
  3. yeah and those Netflix numbers are for everyone person who owns a smart device
  4. Way more? Lol 11 million more despite having a way bigger user base. XBL ratio is significantly higher. Either way, Gamepass is the premium market for game subscriptions. It’s in its own category.
  5. Actually almost every number on that chart is wrong besides gamepass, which is the only game based subscription model on there… so what a awful comparison. either way, we get day 1s in gamepass (even Sony games come day 1 lmao) and you get psp games. enjoy
  6. Ps your little chart doenst include regular Xbox live subscribers, which is over 100 million. That Apple Music figure is also 3 years old.
  7. Sorry, no one wants to stream psp, ps1, ps2, or ps3 games in 2022. If they do, it’s cheaper to just pick a ps1 and the games up. why are you comparing games to movies? Lmao. The average content length on Netflix is like 40 minutes. A game is several hours. also, you’re comparing Netflix to gamepass in terms of subscriber counts, despite Netflix being available on nearly everything. The user base for tv is 1000x greater than gaming you tard. you’re so riled up and excited to pay $120 a year for ps1 games that you already own
  8. it’s a pretty well known deal. Meanwhile you’re stuck paying $17.99 a month for ps1 games. Lmao. Sony pulled the rug from underneath you, again.
  9. I’m talking about Xbox, why are you bringing up PC? All you have to do is buy Xbox Live gold for 12 months. You can find them almost anywhere for $60, but they regularly go on sale for $30. Enjoy those streamed ps2 games
  10. Looks beautiful take as much time as needed, plenty of bangers on switch.
  11. That “limited time deal” has been around for years and still is. LOL you got played by Sony…. Again. and 700 games… you don’t wanna play. there’s nothing on there for you, and you know it. Most are streamed ps1/2/3 games
  12. GPU costs around $5 a month (often less) converting Xbox Live to Gamepass. I’m paid off for at least another year, and it broke down to less than $5 a month for 3 years for me. So my bad, the price for the mid tier is only 2x. The top tier tho = 215$ a year, which is almost 4x higher.
  13. He’s happy he gets to pay for a subscription service that costs like 5x GPU which doesn’t include day 1 games.
  14. https://blog.playstation.com/2022/03/29/all-new-playstation-plus-launches-in-june-with-700-games-and-more-value-than-ever/#sf255029422
  15. I think most would rather be a hypocrite than have an upset wife tbh.
  16. I’m pretty sure the slap was intentional. It sends a way different message than a punch. Much more disrespectful IMO.
  17. I don’t really get pvp. You just invade others world and then try to kill them? i had to invade to get to other peoples worlds, but it takes like 15 minutes to find someone then the fight lasts 2 mins. Am I missing something?
  18. I want that 480k plus I made it to her. I’ll get her eventually
  19. I don’t think anyone really took a L here. Chris Rock showed he has an iron chin, and can remain professional in perhaps the hardest time of his life… Will showed he will protect his family… and we get to laugh about it. All Ws.
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