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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I have a windows PC for work and I have my M1, an older MacBook, and a chrome book, and a super old windows laptop from like 2005
  2. And Google steals constantly from iOS
  3. Yeah I don’t think Gouk needs you to talk for him, we are having a conversation and no one asked you to join.
  4. “Or how about all the major updates to IOS for the last 5 years have been straight rip offs from Android features from years ago that as soon as you get it you act as if it's a” he brought it up
  5. I have no idea what world you’re living in.. but ummm https://medium.com/big-tech/googles-android-12-copies-iconic-ios-features-old-and-new-fa40adbef089
  6. Samsungs entire business is a clone of apple. Apple released the iPad, Samsung released their tablet, apple released watch, so did Samsung. Apple released headphones. So did Samsung. Apple released a tile like tracker, so did Samsung. Apple removed the headphone jack, Samsung mocked them then did it too. Apple stopped selling a power unit, Samsung mocked apple then did it too.
  7. This site for instance will never display as the pc version because it’s code to scale down to the screen size of the device
  8. Try Google.com, just tried it.. no issues for me
  9. Have zero interest owning a windows PC outside of my work computer
  10. they had no other option after tizen failed
  11. https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2012/8/8/3227289/samsung-apple-ux-ui-interface-improvement
  12. Most websites use scaled ui now, desktop request works fine for me
  13. So you can switch your Xbox to New Zealand. Played a little bit just now. I’ll be sticking with quality mode I think, once I go 60FPS I won’t be able to go back. Game looks great on the OLED tho. I think it’s in Dolby vision too, but maybe just hdr. Wasn’t looking at my dv when the pop up displayed.
  14. I think you need a pc to run it, I just have a MacBook
  15. Also the YouTube VR videos look like they’re 240p
  16. There aren’t really any that are even interesting enough to warrant a download. But echo VR, some online shooting game, and some random puzzle game I forget what it’s even called. Are there any recommendations?
  17. If it was $1 I would return it. It sucks ass lmao
  18. That’s not anything of Samsungs doing. They just did it because apple did. Just like they removed the headphone jack, removable batteries, and released a 300 page document on how to copy the iPhone.
  19. Did they have the address bar down there, too?
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